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Name: Gypsy
Username: gypsy
User ID: 130453
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Posts by Gypsy

Perth WA Tour

March 11th, 2025 by Gypsy
I will be in Perth CBD for the nights of 29th, 30th and 31st August.
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Safe words and calling time on a session for YOUR own health

December 7th, 2024 by Gypsy
Do not ever feel bad for cutting a session with a client shorty if you are feeling unwell. Last week I had to cut a session short with a client because I was getting an attack of vertigo - note - NOT the client's fault. It was 30 min into a 1 hpur session. So I gave him the option of a artial refund - or book the remaining 30 min for another day. He was happy to book the remaining 30 min another day. When it comes to your own health, do not compromise just for the money. You need to look after yourself
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Sex Workers and disabilities.

November 27th, 2024 by Gypsy
Ladies and gentlemen who are clients of sex workers. Please be kind to the providers you choose to see. Many sex workers live with a disability that is either visible to the naked eye, or not visible. Sex workers with disability have lots of different reasons for choosing sex work. Many find that sex work is more flexibile than other jobs. As a sex worker with fibromyalgia, I need to have a break between clients to rest. It's not that I don't want to see you, or don't appreciate your interest in me. It's just that I can not physically see several clients back-to-back, straight after each other. I need to rest between each client, otherwise my health will deteriorate, and then I wont be able to work at all. I chose sex work after resigning from a high-level corporate career spanning 25 years - as my body just could not do it any more. With sex work, I am in control of the days and times I work. I can take a day off when I need it. I can see lots of clients in one day if my body is up to it, or only 2 or 3 clients if my body is not up to it. If I can't see you on a particular day, I will always offer you options for other days I can see you. I will never just tell you no, I flat out can't see you. Please be kind to ALL sex workers you encounter. We have lives outside of sex work. We have feelings and emotions just like you. We have crap going on in our lives, just like you. Kindness is free. Use it as much as you can.
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