Refund Policy
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Refunds or replacements will not be given under the following circumstances: - Your ad subscription is active, and you have changed your mind for any reason - You have breached any applicable law or our terms and conditions - Any of or all our products are temporarily unavailable If you believe you can show cause to seek refund or replacement you may do so by contacting us at as soon as possible and by providing sufficient information to assess your request. Refunds and replacements are assessed on a case by case basis and decided by us in our absolute and sole discretion, subject to the requirements of any applicable laws. If we do decide to offer a refund or replacement we may use any combination of refund or replacement that we see fit. We will assess your request and reply to you and notify you of its outcome within 3 business days. If we decide to provide you with a refund or replacement we will advise you of how we will do this and will do so within a further 7 business days and the decision will be final.