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MaDame M

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Name: MaDame M
Username: MaDame Melanin
User ID: 99418
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How to text escorts: A guide to using SMS

September 23rd, 2023 by MaDame M
When you contact independent sex workers by text message, you need to get it right. I don't know how many times I've hit the 'delete' button because a message has come through that's too casual, brief, or even unreadable. I think often this happens because clients are so used to texting their friends, that they forget that their contact with an escort or any other independent sex worker needs to be professional. It's too easy to fall back on 'hey' or 'hi, are you available?' via SMS...but that's not the best way to get a booking. As I've said often before, sex workers do turn down clients that make a bad impression. It's not just about avoiding rejection, either - do you want your worker to look forward to seeing you? That means making a good impression from the very first contact. You're trying to prove your a great customer, within a character limit. This means that all the usual information I recommend sharing needs to be squeezed into a message that's only a few hundred characters long - no small feat! Although you can't write an essay, it's possible to get the details across and prove you're a good client. Here are the essentials to keep in mind, to ensure your message doesn't get ignored or deleted.
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