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Clients with Disabilities and their Rights to Equal Access to Sex Workers

June 29th, 2022 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Originally published article: ESCORT SERVICES FOR CLIENTS WITH DISABILITIES - Discreet Gentlemen's Club is an inclusive, anti-discriminatory environment - clients after a service with one of our famous Discreet ladies are advised to visit OUR LADIES page to view ladies and rosters - then call to book. Carers are also welcome to call for any enquires. The Legal Standpoint The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) affirms the obligations governments have in ensuring that people with disabilities have the capability to enjoy a rich and fulfilling life equal to others in society. This was ratified by the Australian government in 2008. In the landmark case - National Disability Insurance Agency v WRMFC - the Federal Court unanimously ruled against the the NDIA, finding that NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) funds could be used to access sex worker services and specialist sex therapy. It was successfully argued that access to sexual services was "reasonable and necessary" to support people with disabilities in enjoying a rich and fulfilling life (inline with the UNCRPD). The court case upheld a previous ruling by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) who also ruled in favour of the applicant, identified as WRMFC.  This case highlighted people with disabilities rights to sexual expression and exploration along with their right to access sexual services. People with disability have the same right as other members of Australian society to realise their potential for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. - National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Section 4) The Personal Standpoint The rights of people with disabilities and in particular, their right to access intimate services, has been a rather contentious issue with the general public. It has been erroneously supposed that people with disabilities are incapable of sexual expression, sexually dysfunctional or either asexual or hypersexual. These views have been shown repeatedly to be false. Many people with disabilities desire to live a rich and fulfilling life with the ability for sexual expression and exploration, just like the rest of the community. The push for inhibiting people with disabilities to seek services from sexual services is a highly discriminatory concept, one which denies the autonomy and sexual development of an already marginalised group. Also, it is worth mentioning that not all people with disabilities under the NDIS require or even wish to seek services from sex workers which is entirely their prerogative. However their ability and access to do so should not be inhibited, in accordance with the UNCRPD. Objectors to people with disabilities seeking sexual services should note that alternate options may not exist for certain individuals. Many report discrimination and disappointment with traditional dating options, some do not even have the ability to pursuit these options entirely - both of which have a negative impact on both self-confidence and self-image. Traditional therapists and even sex therapists are bound by codes of conduct and ethics and are unable to touch their patients. Sex workers may be the only source of intimate affection and pleasure that some people may experience their entire lives. A few members of the public view funding sexual services to not be 'appropriate', 'essential' or 'worthy' enough for NDIS funding. This begs the question of if we, as a greater community, consider people with disabilities to be worthy of a fulfilling and enriching life, to have the ability and access to things most of society take for granted - like sexual exploration. By denying the ability to explore and experience a more rounded life, we relegate people with disabilities to a life of mere existence instead of one where they can live to the fullest extent. Sexual expression is acknowledged as a normal part of development, and people are supported to develop healthy self-esteem and self-respect. - NSW Family & Community Services (Disability Resource Hub) "Sexuality and Relationship Guidelines" The Advocacy and Support Group Standpoint Joint Position Statement: A call for the rights-based framework for sexuality in the NDIS. The position of a large list of national organisations and individuals is made emphatically in the joint statement, viewable by following the link above. People without disability have many different opportunities in society to satisfy their sexual desires and needs, either through masturbation or through finding sexual partners. Some people with disability do not enjoy the same degree of opportunities to either masturbate or to find a sexual partner. - People With Disability Australia (Sex Work and the NDIS - FAQ) People With Disabilities & Discreet We are pleased to say that Discreet has been offering services to clients with disabilities for many years. We wish to take the time to thank all of our clients with disabilities and hope you are doing well and in good health during these difficult times. We look forward to providing services once again, as soon as it is safe enough to do so. FAQ I'm a support worker/carer and don't know where to start? Give us a call. We receive many calls and emails from support workers, carers and parents of people with disabilities. It's okay to be nervous and not know what to do. We will explain the entire process and after hearing more about the clients needs and disabilities will advise on the best options. You are under no obligation to book and can get back in contact with us at a later date should you wish to proceed or can book in advance. Do all ladies at discreet offer services to clients with disabilities? Like with any service requested, not all of our ladies are experienced or comfortable in fulfilling requests. This is for a myriad of reasons: lack of experience, a prior bad experience, lack of confidence or for a variety of personal reasons. The best way to see a lady is to call us and find out what your options are. Our main goal is to connect you with the right lady for you, so that you have the best experience - one that is both fulfilling and pleasurable. Do you support all disabilities? At Discreet we have a non-discriminatory policy. That said, our top priority is the health and safety of our clients and ladies. In certain cases we may advise an "outcall" (where the lady comes to you) is a more appropriate option, this is usually due to safety concerns including navigating corridors, showers, bathrooms, falls risks, access to specific medical equipment, etc. As duty of care to our clients (and ladies) we must also be able to determine the capability for informed consent, the ability to withdraw consent at any time during service, the ability to understand the transaction taking place, etc (our policy and procedure on this is based on the Touching Base organisation guidelines). Is the venue wheelchair accessible? There is a small step (about an inch or two high) to enter the vestibule before our front door. We have been looking at options to make this more wheelchair friendly however the vestibule itself and space between the two doors is quite awkward to manoeuvre with larger wheelchairs. Call us in advance and we can discuss your options if this is a concern. Where can I find more information about the NDIS / seeking sex workers? The organisation Touching Base has a lot of information on the topic on their website. The founder has a wealth of knowledge on the subject and has been working tirelessly, advocating for the rights of people with disabilities and their right for sexual expression and exploration. Also worth reading is her thesis on sex workers who provide services to clients with disability in New South Wales, Australia. The current NDIS workforce and wider disability sector is not yet equipped to provide consistent, quality sexuality and relationship support to all people with disability in NSW, leaving people with disability at risk of poorer reproductive and sexual health outcomes. There is a need for systemic change to improve education, organisational policies and provide guidance about the services available under the NDIS to better support people with disability. The NDIA should prioritise supporting the NDIS workforce and wider disability sector to provide sexuality and relationship support to people with disability through the provision of funding for training, the development of an NDIA sexuality policy and increasing the NDIS sexuality and relationship services available in regional and remote areas. - Submission of Family Planning NSW - National Disability Insurance Scheme Workforce (2020) Newcastle's Favourite Escort Blog Articles ranging from advocacy to entertainment, Discreet's blog is a smorgasbord of all things escort and all things sex. We seek to inform, entertain, advise and/or titillate our readers with new and exciting articles released regularly. Stay tuned for the next Discreet blog post!
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September 26th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Previously, we’ve written about the legitimacy of sex work in our post SEX WORK IS WORK but with NSW currently in lockdown and only essential services being available, it really begs the question – is sex work essential? Essential Services Throughout the lockdowns and ‘stay at home orders’, certain services and professions were permitted to continue operations – deemed ‘essential’ for the greater community. The classification of different services has lead to many heated debates over what is considered “essential” and what isn’t. Depending on what you value and enjoy, or even the circumstances you find yourself in, what is essential may vary widely person to person. You may not significantly need a type of service however that may not be the case for other individuals. Sex Work During COVID During the various stages of the COVID pandemic the industry has had to adapt like every other business in the country. Utilising COVID safe planning and changing certain business structures and policies. Unfortunately, due to common misconceptions and generalisations of the industry by the wider community, policy development and community health measures regarding sex work has been a polarising topic. Rather amusingly, the topic of sex work and sexual services in relation to COVID has mostly arisen when discussions about gyms and group exercise classes have been put forward by both politicians and vocal members of the pubic and press. It goes without saying, but we feel it is worth mentioning that our establishment and our services are vastly different from that of other industries – including gyms (with maybe the exception of mutual cardio benefits). So too are the differences of what people seek from each service and the benefits received. We feel that engaging in ‘whataboutism’ does a disservice to the greater community and minimises individual experiences and needs. Not ‘Just a Root’ We brushed on the positives of sex work in our previous post SEX WORK IS WORK but how exactly is sex work considered an essential service? Many people when thinking of sex work, simply picture the mechanical elements of sexual intercourse and of climax. While this is obviously a component of the industry and the services rendered, its is quite reductive to conflate the two and it is most certainly not a reflection of the entire industry. Certainly, there are individuals where sexual services are used exclusively as an outlet for sexual expression and release, however there are just as many individuals who derive many therapeutic benefits from the services of a sex worker, that may not even be sexual in nature. There are many clients whose only physical contact, affection or even in some cases, communication is solely with sex workers. While many mental health services remain available during the pandemic (arguably with not as much funding or ease of access as it should), there are certain limitations of these services. Due to both professional and ethical boundaries, physical contact can be quite limited. That is not to say therapy should be sexual in nature, we mean the benefits of tactile therapy, of deep pressure therapy (firm but gentle squeezing hugs) and the like have long been shown a positive effect on mental health. Mental health professionals, therapists and doctors reach ethical boundaries when we talk about cuddling, holding or caressing their patients. Many then choose to seek these services from sex workers. The necessity for these services are also shared by clients with disabilities who may not have access or the ability to seek alternatives. Services for Disabled Clients The joint position of national peak organisations regarding people with disabilities and their right to access sexual services is found at the link below: Joint Position Statement: A call for a rights-based framework for sexuality in the NDIS The support amongst disability support groups and organisations is unequivocal. People with disabilities have every much a right as the general population to have a fulfilling and rounded life, one that includes the ability for sexual expression and exploration.  For some persons with disabilities, the opportunity to be able to explore sexuality and to even have a sexual life may be limited to interactions with sex workers. Some may find these interactions to be confidence building or may simply enjoy the adult company.  So, is it ‘Essential’? As with almost every service, it really depends on purpose of seeking such a service. We would argue that there are many at risk individuals and marginalised members of the community that rely on intimate services from sex workers. Members of society that do not have the ability or access to physical contact with another person who benefit greatly from the companionship.  We do however also take this time to recognise the importance of community health and continue to work closely with NSW Health to ensure the safety of our clients, ladies and community. 
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May 30th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
PEGGING & P-SPOT ORGASMS FOR BEGINNERS by Discreet Gentlemen's Club Always turned on by the idea of being pegged but don’t know how to actually fulfil your fantasy? Read on for a quick guide about getting into pegging and how to have the ultimate P-spot orgasm. What is pegging? What people mean when they refer to pegging in the sexual context is when a woman uses a strap-on to provide anal stimulation (through penetration) to a male partner. Many men find this extraordinarily pleasurable due to the stimulation of a zone called the P-spot. What is the P-spot? The P-spot is simply a spot within the rectum which when contact or pressure is applied, stimulation is delivered to the prostate (hence the name). Like the G-spot with women, P-spot stimulation can result in intense pleasure and orgasm. What is a prostate massage? It is an internal massage that stimulates the prostate, this can be through the use of a toy or by finger. Prostate massages can be done in conjunction with other stimulation (i.e. handjob or oral sex) to increase the intensity of sensations. Is it only for homosexual men? Absolutely not! Enjoying prostate stimulation is not exclusive to gay men as anyone that has a prostate can enjoy exploring this erogenous zone. Equating prostate stimulation to homosexuality is the equivalent of equating fingering to lesbians – it’s a ridiculous connection. Sexual activities and enjoyment are not exclusive to any one group. Try Pegging / Prostate Massage / P-spot Orgasms at Discreet Gentlemen’s Club! What Now? So you’ve decided you’d like to try pegging but not sure what to do next. Start by giving us a call, we can advise you which of our ladies perform this service and provide recommendations depending on your experience and the type of lady/service you are after. Picking the Right Lady For beginners it is always best to select a lady who is experienced in anal play and can guide you through the process and help warm you up prior to actual play. Warm up and correct techniques are required especially for first timers to reduce the risk of discomfort and to maximise pleasure. Our experienced ladies will guide you through this process and ensure your comfort and enjoyment through the entire booking. Please note that there is additional charges for these services, just speak to the ladies prior to the booking so that they may prepare equipment and toys for the service. FOR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LADIES SPECIALISING IN PEGGING, HEAD TO OUR ORIGINAL BLOG POST ON THE DISCREET WEBSITE
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June 7th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Ever wondered what kinds of requests we receive on a regular basis? Well wonder no more, as we list our top 5 most requested fetishes… (the list may surprise you!) #5 – Golden Showers (A.K.A. Watersports – no, not like waterskiing and wakeboarding) Watersports / Golden Showers / Piss Play – participants derive pleasure from sexual activities involving urine. By urinating on their partner or vice versa or having urine involved in some way during their sexual play for instance. Despite popular sentiments, golden showers are not particularly unhygienic or dangerous but add an extra naughty element to your lovemaking. #4 – Foot Fetish Foot fetishists can derive pleasure in a variety of ways. They may enjoy watching ladies in high heels, stockings or like playing with and touching feet. Special requests can be made in regards to footwear and socks/stockings (subject to availability) to fulfil your innermost fantasies. Some of our ladies specialise and are skilled in foot-jobs (think of a handjob but..with feet) – just speak to us about your interests and we can recommend the best suited lady for your requirements. #3 – Bondage Want to be tied up by a gorgeous woman and taken advantage of? Explore new heights of pleasure while at the mercy of a gorgeous Discreet lady. Please note: at this stage only light bondage is offered by our ladies. For more advanced bondage services, please stay tuned for when our BDSM dungeon is fully operational. Fully trained Dominatrix services will also be available alongside the facilities. #2 – Pegging A very popular request that we receive enquiries about is our pegging services. Often men find it difficult to express in their personal life their desire to explore this amazing play and so turn to professionals to be able to try this new world of pleasure in a safe and unjudgmental environment. The added bonus of trying pegging with an experienced Discreet lady is that she can tailor it to you and ensure maximum satisfaction. #1 – Lesbian/Bi-Sexual Doubles (Threesomes) Discreet Gentlemen’s Club is known for it’s gorgeous women, wild parties and even wilder threesomes. At the top of the list is a Lesbian/Bi-Sexual fantasy (often involving roleplay), imagine walking in on two stunning women in the middle of love-making and having them beckon you to join them? The script of many pornographic films coming to life right in front of your very eyes, where the guest of honour is you! No wonder this is the #1 kink request currently.. Explore Your Fantasy with Discreet… With our new venue well on the way to being ready for use with facilities better equipped to suit different fetishes, and with the added bonus of having the ability to book an experienced dominatrix, the list of top fetishes may well change in the upcoming months. Send us an enquiry to see if we can cater to your needs or if you would like to try some of the fetishes listed above.. Enjoy reading our blog? CLICK HERE FOR MORE DELICIOUS DISCREET BLOG POSTS
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July 2nd, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Anal play can be daunting for some people, particularly the inexperienced. Here are some tips for introducing you to the exciting world of anal play… Use plenty of lube Unlike the vagina, the anus is not self-lubricating so to avoid discomfort or injury, lube is essential for pleasurable play. Anal specific personal lubricants are highly recommended. Thicker and stickier than their conventional counterparts, anal lube is designed to better stay in place where needed. Use copious amounts of lube, it may get a little messy but that’s all part of the fun! Consider laying a towel down for easy clean up of excess lube, tools are available for easier application of lubricant. Warm up Start warming up by using fingers and/or toys to slowly become accustomed to the sensation of anal penetration, use smaller toys to begin with and work your way up. Use plenty of lube. Toys such as anal beads with gradually increasing beads are a perfect option to warm up with as you gradually get comfortable with one size and slowly move up. Go slow & relax To avoid injury or tearing go slow with anal penetration, use smaller sized toys and plenty of lube. It isn’t a race, you will experience much more enjoyment should you be patient with it. Relax as you’re more likely to experience discomfort with tense muscles. Consider an enema / douching Of course dealing with anything anal, there’s always the risk of certain unpleasant…aromas and excreta. Many people are self-conscious about this which doesn’t help with trying to relax. Consider using an enema prior to play. Enemas use water to clean out the anal canal and create a more welcoming environment for anal play, making it a more pleasant experience for all involved. Pegging Like to try pegging? Have one of our experienced Discreet ladies to show you how to prep and help you through the entire journey. For more information read our Blog Post “PEGGING & P-SPOT ORGASMS FOR BEGINNERS” ENJOY OUR BLOG POSTS? CLICK THIS LINK TO READ MORE
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June 16th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Montana This busty blonde is a sight to behold. Sweet and passionate, you are definitely in for a treat spending some time with Montana. AVAILABLE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Click here to view her profile Anastasia This beautiful Australian brunette is absolutely delectable. With an ass that just won’t quit, your night won’t be complete without spending some time with Anastasia. AVAILABLE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Click here to view her profile HAVE YOU READ NEWCASTLE'S FAVOURITE SEX BLOG? CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT ALL THINGS ESCORTS AND SEX!!
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SEX TERMS AND ACRONYMS - By Discreet Gentlemen's Club

April 27th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Sex Term Glossary As viewable at Discreet Gentlemen's Club website. Additional blog posts by this author are also viewable here. Many people looking into booking an escort for the first time find themselves completely perplexed by the amount of adult-industry specific language being used. This is made all the more confusing as a lot of the jargon crosses over with other terms and can mean the exact same thing. Here is a quick reference guide on some of the key terms used in the adult industry to describe different sex acts. Please note: some of the services/terms listed are high risk due to the nature of the service (i.e. unprotected or dangerous), for the health and safety of our patrons and ladies, we do not offer any unprotected or dangerous services. We have included them in our Dictionary however for the benefit of our readers and entrust them to make educated decisions. A Affectionate cuddling Spooning & holding each other. Affectionate kissing Light kissing on face/lips, may not include kissing with tongue (see Passionate Kissing). Aftercare Term generally relating to the BDSM practice of debriefing and affirmations post sexual activities. Anal/anal sex Sexual penetration of the anus. Analingus Oral sex on the anus (see also: rimming) Anal play Can mean a variety of things relating to "butt stuff" - examples could include rimming and anal fingering. Asphyxiophilia Sexual fetish for suffocation/choking ATM Ass To Mouth - Anal penetration followed immediately by oral Auto-erotic asphyxiation The highly-risky act of deriving pleasure from self-asphyxiation (any form of strangulation is considered high risk). B Ball Busting Inflicting pain (usually kicking/punching) of testicles for sexual gratification Bareback Risky sex without condom. BBBJ Bare-Back Blow Job - Fellatio without condom. BBC Big Black Cock BBW Big Beautiful Woman. BDSM Bondage & Discipline / Dominance & Submission / Sadism & Masochism B&D Bondage and Discipline Bi-Double Booking two ladies for a threesome which includes play between the two ladies as opposed to a straight-double in which both ladies are focused on the male specifically. Bi-sexual Someone who has sexual inclinations towards both the same gender and the opposite gender. BJ Blow Job (Fellatio/Oral Sex) BLS Ball Licking and Sucking Breathplay A sub-section of BDSM that relates to restricting breathing for sexual gratification - highly risky without proper knowledge or training. Brown Shower Defecation on a sexual partner. BS Body Slide - Sensual massage technique involving provider sliding naked body over client. Bondage Consensually tying up or restraining a sexual partner with either cuffs, ropes or other restraints. Bukkake Genre of porn / act involving a group of men ejaculating on an individual Butt Plug Form of anal sex toy. C Caning Whipping someone with a cane Cat o' Nine Tails Multi-tailed whip CBJ Covered Blow Job (Fellatio with condom) CBT Cock and Ball Torture CD See Cross Dressing CIM Cum In Mouth (Ejaculation in mouth) CIMWS Cum In Mouth With Swallow COB Cum On Breasts Cockring Sex toy/enhancement tool that restricts and traps bloodflow within the penis to help prolong and strengthen erections COF Cum On Face Cosplay/Costumes Costume-Play. Not necessarily sexual in nature but can be incorporated into sexual play (see also: Role Play) Cowgirl Sex-position where a woman is on top and facing her partner while being penetrated. Creampie Ejaculating internally (specifically either vaginally or anally) Crossdressing Wearing clothing traditionally associated with the opposite gender. Cuckolding Watching/experiencing your partner have sexual intercourse with someone else. Cunnilingus The technical term for providing oral sex to a female. D Dam/Dental dam A piece of latex/rubber that provides a barrier for vaginal or anal oral. DATY Dining At The Y (Cunnilingus - Oral sex on her) DDP Double Digit Penetration (Two finger penetration) Deep Throating When a penis or toy is pushed deep within a partner's throat during fellatio. Devil's Threesome Term for a threesome involving two men and one female. DFK Deep French Kissing (See also: Passionate Kissing) Dinner Companion/Dinner Date Social escort that involves non-sexual services during a meal (conversation and companionship) which may be booked in addition to full service. Dirty Talk Talking to your sexual partner in an explicit way during or before intercourse to increase sexual arousal (can include describing additional sex acts - also see: Role Play) Docking Using the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis to encapsulate by rolling it forward. Doggy-style Sex position where the female is bent over and the male penetrates vaginally from behind. Dominatrix Female dominant for sexual fetish play Douche Flushing out vagina or anus using water or a solution as a means of cleaning out DP Double Penetration DT Deep Throating E Edging The process of refraining stimulation when close to climax with the ultimate goal of achieving a stronger climax. Electrode play More advanced form of fetish play involving the use of electrode toys that deliver stimulation through electricity. Erogenous zone Location on the body that is sensitive to sexual stimulation and creates sexual arousal. Erotic massage Relaxation massage which has a focus on arousal. See: Sensual Massage Escort In the context of services listed, "Escort" relates specifically to outcalls (where services are provided at the client's own hotel room/home). Exhibitionism Fetish for sexual experiences in public or with a crowd/watchers. F Face Fucking An aggressive, dominant form of Deep Throat, where a penis (or strap on) is forcefully thrust within the partners mouth/throat. Face Sitting The practice where a male or female places their genitals ("sits") over their sexual partner's mouth for the purpose of oral pleasure. Facial Ejaculating onto a partner's face. Fellatio The proper term for oral sex perfomed on a penis (see: Blow Job) Felching Ejaculate/Semen being sucked out of an orifice. Female Ejaculation Ejecting of fluids by a female through sexual stimulation (See: Squirting) Fetish Fetish can relate to anything of a sexual nature or that causes arousal and is has a certain degree of specificity. Fingering Digital penetration and stimulation (using fingers) Fire and Ice Alternating between hot and cold oral stimulation. (e.g. using a warm beverage and ice cubes to vary the temperature of your mouth during fellatio) Fisting Sexual penetration of an orifice using an entire hand. FK French Kissing Foot Fetish Sexual arousal and interest in feet. May have an inclination and sexual fetish towards touching, licking, sucking feet. Foot Job Similar to a hand job except with the use of feet to provide stimulation. Requires both feet to provide adequate grip and stimulation. Foreplay The acts immediately preceeding sexual intercourse Full Service Simply put, the term means sex is involved in the service. As opposed to massage service, etc. G Gagging Choking on a partner's penis during fellatio or Deep Throating. Gang Bang An orgy that traditionally involves multiple men have sexual intercourse and perform various sex acts with one female participant. GFE Girl Friend Experience Girlfriend Experience A sexual service that is more affectionate and intimate in nature - as opposed to a more explicitly sexual experience PSE/Porn Star Experience. Glory Hole Hole in a wall or door (generally within a bathroom) for the purpose of anonymous oral sex (fellatio) Greek/Greek Sex Anal Sex Group Sex Sexual activities involving multiple parties (See: Orgies) Golden Shower Urinating on a partner for sexual gratification (See Also: Water Sports) H Hand Job Using hands to manually bring a partner to climax. Happy Ending Massage that ends with a handjob and possible climax. Hand Relief Another word for a hand job. Head/Head Job Oral sex HJ Hand Job Humiliation A sub-section of BDSM relating to the sexual arousal/gratification of a submissive through being degraded or embarrassed by a dominant partner. I-L Italian Sexual stimulation of rubbing penis between the buttocks of a partner without penetration. Similar to "Spanish" or "Titty Fucking", the stimulation is created by the friction between the two. Jizz Ejaculate, generally meaning semen. Or the process of ejaculating. Kink Broad term relating to unconventional sexual preferences and acts. Anything non-traditional or "Vanilla". Lesbian Double Similar to Bi-Double, specifically relates to ladies that will perform sex acts on each other. M Masturbation The process of touching and stimulating one's own genitals for the purpose of sexual arousal and/or climax. Masochism Deriving pleasure from pain, humiliation or submission from a dominant partner. Menage a Trois French term meaning a threesome. MILF Mother I'd Love (to) Fuck Missionary/missionary position The most common sex position where the male is on top of and facing the female participant. MFF Male-Female-Female - Another variation of a threesome. MMF Male-Male-Female - A variation of a threesome where both the male and female are interacting with one of the males. Motorboating Placing one's face between a woman's breasts and moving your head side to side between them. MFM Male-Female-Male: A variation of a threesome where both males are interacting with the female participant (See also: Devil's Threesome) MSOG Multiple Shots On Goal (Multiple ejaculations/orgasms permitted within booking) Mutual masturbation Both sexual partners pleasuring themselves within the company of the other partner N-O NSA No Strings Attached - A sexual partnership with no expectations of commitment or additional communication. Orgasm Height of sexual arousal and pleasure. Climax. Orgy Group sex with multiple participants interacting together. P Paddling Similar to Caning, being whipped or spanked using paddles. Passionate Kissing Deep, French kissing. Using tongues during kissing. Pearl Necklace Ejaculating semen onto a partners neck, creating the appearance of a "pearl necklace". Penis Pump Sexual enhancement device designed to suction air around the penis with the direct intention to draw blood to the member, enhancing erection. Pegging Anal sex/penetration using a strap-on. Perineum The space between a person's genitals and anus. Pink Sock Inverted colon that is visible outside of the anus which occurs occasionally when pulling out too quickly during anal. Piss Play A.K.A. Watersports - Sexual activities involving urine. Polyamory Having multiple romantic partners. Porn Star Experience Girl-Friend Experience's raunchier cousin. Service is more akin to what you would see in your favourite pornographic movies, hence the name. Can include services like gagging, choking, face fucking, etc. Prophylactic A device or item that prevents the transmission of disease, includes: condoms, dental dams, etc. PSE Porn Star Experience Pull Out Method The most unreliable form of contraception which does not provide any protection form STIs Q-R Queef The expulsion of air out of a vagina usually during penetrative sex or immediately after. Erroneously referred to sometimes as a vaginal or fanny fart. Quickie A short sexual encounter that's generally rushed and excludes much (if any) foreplay. Reverse Cowgirl Similar to cowgirl position, with the difference of the woman facing away from her partner. Rimming Using your tongue to stimulate another person's anal ring. Analingus. S Sadism Experiencing pleasure or sexual arousal by administering pain. Sadomasochism A broad term relating to experiencing pleasure from giving and receiving physical or psychological pain. Safeword A word or phrase when uttered ends play in fetishistic activity. Shower for 2 Sensual experience in the shower, including body touching and play. Sixty-Nine (69) A sex position that allows both partners to provide mutual oral pleasure simultaneously. Snowballing Transferring ejaculate from one mouth to another. Social Escort A non-sexual escort experience, generally involves dinner or some function or event. May include sensual or intimate moments and conversation but diverges from a normal full service. Sounding Inserting items into a urethra for sexual pleasure. Spanish (A.K.A. "Titty Fucking"). Placing a man's penis between a woman's breasts and thrusting it up and down creating friction for sexual pleasure. Spanking Hitting with an open palm (generally on the buttocks) for the purpose of sexual gratification or enhanced sexual pleasure. Spit Roast A position during a threesome involving penetrative acts from both ends (oral and either vaginal or anal) giving the appearance of a "spit roast". Sploshing A fetish within food play that generally involves soft foods and liquids being poured onto a sexual partner for sexual gratification. Squirting Female ejaculation (i.e. "squirting" fluid during climax) Starfish A non-enthusiatic/lazy participant during sex. One that lies on the bed with the expectation the sexual partner will do all the work. Strap on sex See: Pegging. Strip Tease Slow undressing and gyrating for the purpose of sexual arousal and entertainment of an audience or partner. T Tag Team When 2 or more people have sexual intercourse with the same person one after another in a series of sexual experiences as opposed to simultaneously (like with threesomes and gangbangs). Tea Bagging Similar to face-sitting however tea bagging specifically relates to placing one's testicles within the mouth of a partner. Teasing Lighter, less dominant version of orgasm denial, more within the realms of traditional foreplay. Threesome Put simply, three people having sex with each other simultaneously. Titty Fuck Sliding a penis between the breasts of the partner to gain sexual gratification. (See: Spanish) Toys Within the adult industry context, this relates to sex toys. Devices with the intention of creating arousal, climax or enhancement of sexual experiences and sensations. Tromboning Providing a rimjob while simultanously giving a handjob to a sexual partner. U-Z Urethral Play A.K.A "Sounding".- The practice of inserting objects within a urethra for sexual gratification. Vacuum Beds Sex toy/device used in BDSM for a variety of fetishes including but not limited to: latex fetish, bondage play, breath play, etc. Essentially it's sheets of latex that are vacuum sealed with you in between. Voyeur/Voyeurism A fetish relating to watching/spying on other people's sexual play. Watersports Incorporating urination into sexual play. See: Golden Showers, Piss Play, Etc. Waxplay Sexual play using hot candle wax.
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September 20th, 2022 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
SEX ADVICE: Common Mistakes in people make in the bedroom (and how to fix them) As originally posted via Discreet Gentlemen's Club Website #5: Thinking You Don't Need Lube Trust us, you need lube. Apart from making condoms easier to break, you are more likely to cause injury, tears and/or soreness when lube isn't use - making for rather unpleasant experiences and shorter love-making sessions. Saliva does not offer the same level of lubrication and dries much quicker than you would think. Nobody likes going in dry, so lube up and let the good times roll... There are lubes designed for anal play, for use on latex, on toys, etc. Typically you would be using a water-based lube for general play. For those not keen on the taste, deliciously flavoured alternatives are available that can also add another element of fun to your play. #4: Not Understanding Good Sexual Hygiene Practices Beside the obvious 'safe sex is great sex' - there are many practices that encompass good sexual hygiene practices. A point not stressed enough in sex-ed classes, UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections) can occur following sex and can typically be prevented by urinating after sex. Although more commonly effecting women, men can also develop UTI's also. UTI's are not sexually transmitted diseases but are caused by bacteria entering the urethra and causing infection. Left untreated, it can result in bladder and kidney infections which are much more difficult to treat and can be life threatening. Showering habits tend to be opposites for men and women, with men tending to under-clean and women over-clean, both creating their respective issues. Women overwashing can lead to issues ranging from irritation to becoming highly susceptible to infections like BV and thrush. The vagina is adept at self-cleaning and should never be 'cleaned' through douching or washing as it disturbs the PH and healthy bacteria keeping it healthy. Men that don't adequately wash form a cheesy-looking build up underneath their foreskin (aka smegma) that harbours all sorts of bacteria and can have unpleasant odours. To clean properly, all thats required is pulling the foreskin back and washing around the head of the penis while in the shower. Toys also require regular cleaning, always use a toy-safe cleaner and wash between uses to maintain hygiene and longevity of your toys. Other essential hygiene practices include keeping nails short and clean (as well as hands washed) prior to inserting into any orifice - nobody wants the dirt and filth under your nails inside of them. Chipped and broken nails can also catch and cause injury. #3: Trying Moves/Positions on Porn We could probably write a book on moves and positions that people think are pleasurable to others (but actually aren't). Just because you've seen it in porn and it looks enjoyable, does not mean it translates into real world pleasure. We touched on this subject in our previous article "IS PORN RUINING YOUR SEX LIFE" (worth a read) and is extremely applicable in terms of what you are doing wrong in the bedroom.  The key to great sex is position, rhythm and atmosphere.  Position: Not necessarily meaning specific sexual positions (although, they do help), you can utilise your surroundings and tools to help change the depth and location of penetration. Examples can include using pillows under hips to elevate the pelvis and change the trajectory of the penetration (to make it easier to hit the G-spot in women or P-spot in men).  Rhythm: Frenetic energy is much more distracting than in is pleasurable. Keeping a steady pace will see much better results as opposed to a pace that's all over the place. If you struggle keeping to a good pace, you may wish to try playing music during your sessions and work on a rhythm that is most pleasurable to you and your playmate. Atmosphere: By that we mean everything not related to the immediate act. Appealing to all other senses; touch, taste, smell and sight. Creating an environment that is conducive to letting go of sexual inhibitions. Light some scented candles, touch all over with a full body massage, explore using your hands, lips and tongue.  #2: Viewing Toys as "Cheating" Toys are an invaluable asset in your sexual arsenal.  The range available is extensive and can appeal to anyone's sexual tastes. From cockrings that can prolong and strengthen erection to anal beads and butt plugs.  Some people are intimidated by their use with a partner as they feel it is emasculating or a reflection of their own poor performance or inadequacies. Toys shouldn't be viewed in opposition to you but instead as an extension of your sexual expression.  Explore what you like and what others like with the addition of toys, you may surprise yourself with how many more sensations and experiences you actually enjoy.  Couples toys are also available for those looking to explore simultaneously.  #1: Not Understanding Consent Even with the creation of new Affirmative Consent Laws in NSW there has been very little in the way of education on consent.  Having to "convince" someone or pushing someone until they either have to either say no or acquiesce puts the onus on them to have to "stop" an action rather than actively seeking enjoyment in activities you mutually enjoy together. This is probably one of the biggest issues between couples sexually and causes resentment and frustration. Sex isn't something that should happen to you, it shouldn't feel like something negative or a chore. Particularly with the new laws, the onus is now on everyone to seek clear consent from partners - "thinking" that someone "maybe" okay with an action is no longer acceptable either by society or under the law. Consent can be given or withdrawn at any time. Consent should be given enthusiatically and without pressure. DISCREET LINKS ESCORTS | BUCKS PARTIES | SEX BLOG | CAREERS TWITTER
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July 13th, 2022 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Quickly becoming the Bucks Party capital of NSW - Newcastle is the perfect spot to host your Bucks Party! NEWCASTLE: Secluded enough to afford ultimate discretion but accessible enough to still have a hive of activity going on... What happens in Newcastle, stays in Newcastle...  Getting to Newcastle... From Sydney: 2.5hr drive north with several shuttle bus and train options to travel. Flights from Sydney to Newcastle airport depart regularly every day.  From further away or interstate: Flights arrive in Newcastle from most major cities Australia-wide regularly. If direct flights are unavailable from your city you will be required to catch a connecting flight from Sydney or Brisbane. Want to make it extra swanky and a bucks not soon to be forgotten? Private charters are available with both private planes and helicopters. Bars and Nightlife Newcastle really has come a long way in the past decade. No longer simply just a steel or mining town, Newcastle has evolved into a destination of notable stature.  With many distinctive restaurants and bars dotted around Newcastle, there is a thriving nightlife just waiting for you to explore and experience.  Whether you are after an elegant afternoon of gin tasting or a more casual pub crawl, Newcastle has the bar, pub or club for you! Activities If you are after some additional activities your bucks party can do during your stay in Newcastle, you may wish to consider: Try craft beers at one of Newcastle's many local breweries. Sample and learn the difference between gins at EARP Distillery or Newy Distillery  4WD on Stockton beach  Sky Diving at Belmont  Many Many More Adult Entertainment Newcastle is also home to one of the most acclaimed, most industry awarded adult venues in Australia. Discreet Gentlemen's Club.  At Discreet, our hostesses and performers will make sure that your bucks party is something that is absolutely unforgettable.  Enjoy some of the HOTTEST exotic and Australian strippers and showgirls entertaining you on your last night of freedom.  Head to our BUCKS PARTY page for more information or give us a call to find out more about our Bucks Party packages. 
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ESCORT DIARIES: VOL 3 (PART ONE) - Naughty Politician

February 1st, 2022 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Volume 3: Pollie Wants a ______ Clacker (PART ONE) I've worked in lots of places (both nationally and internationally) and in a variety of ways - erotic massage, full service and have done both private and agency work or brothel work. People always ask me which option I prefer and, honestly, it really depends on where I am and what I'm feeling. In certain places I tend to prefer working privately and others, I prefer agency or brothel work. They generally tend to attract their own different clientele (and their own accompanying positives and negatives) - this also varies on the location. For this particular story, I was working privately in a luxury suite in a major capital city. The main clientele base I cater towards in capital cities are generally politicians, members of their staff and press. Due to the high-profile nature of these clients, they tend to book with private escorts only and require an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) to be signed prior to service. Why do they book private escorts almost exclusively? I'm not too sure, however, I would assume that the reasoning is that the less people that know, the less NDAs require to be signed and the less likely they are to be exposed? One day I receive a call for an overnight booking, to be conducted entirely at my apartment the following night. Name used was clearly an alias, Andrew*, but I took down details, collected the deposit and noted his drink preference, favourite food, etc and took to planning the booking. Overnight bookings generally go down one of two ways, they're either very enjoyable and fun or they can be a complete drag and really feel like work for extended hours. The risk is usually mitigated if you have seen the client previously and clicked. For new clients, this can be 50/50, you may get along but not well enough to be able to talk and play for 8-10 hours. This booking was by no means my first rodeo so I began to put things in place should conversation stagnate or sexual play finish very early or be unmemorable. It was the day of the booking and I had Andrew's* favourite whisky available and ensured there were food options on the room service menu that were agreeable to his palate. Arranging my workspace, I placed an assortment of sex toys in the nightstand drawer and selected my most luxurious set of lingerie to wear. I slid into my finest cocktail dress, the satiny material caressing my breasts and hips in all the best ways. I carefully glided my stay-up stockings up my legs and secured them with my sexy garters. Finishing up, I put on my best pair of designer heels and I was dressed to the nines, ready for Andrew*. As previously arranged, 15 minutes prior to the booking time, I received a knock at the door. It was a member of Andrew's* staff there to settle the formalities prior to his arrival. Once all papers were signed and payment made, the staffer curtly exited the room for the arrival of Andrew*. Andrew* arrived punctually at my door for his booking. I glided to the door, looking every bit like the snack, main course and dessert. Walking through the door, his eyes devoured me, undressing me as he looked over my body. To be fair, the satiny material of my dress clung to my body like a second skin and did not leave much to the imagination. "Like what you see?" I asked, my lips curling in a cheeky smile. "Yes," he breathed heavily into my ear, "you look even better than your photos". I laughed as I tugged on his lapels, drawing him closer to plant a soft, sensual kiss on his lips. He smelt absolutely divine, an earthy mix of cologne and a just a faint hint of his last cigar. I ushered him further into the room, offering him a drink. He liked his whiskey neat, which I appreciated. I had done several tours around the world and had accumulated enough knowledge to at least have some understanding on the matter. I playfully argued the superiority of Scotch whisky while he commented on his preference of American. We continued our small talk as we slowly became more acquainted with one another. Suddenly he cleared his throat and moved closer to quietly ask if I was surprised seeing him. I told him that I had arrived on an international flight the previous morning and had no idea about local politics or who he was prior to him telling me. I lied. Even if I hadn't already been aware of who he was, the bill he was trying to pass was generating massive interest over the news and was virtually inescapable. He seemed to calm at my apparent ignorance at who he was. Trying to sidestep any follow-up questions, I slowly slid my dress up cheekily and softly grazed my calf between his legs. It seemed to work as all thoughts of work, of who he was, of any further questions seemed to completely escape his mind. He stood up and with his hand reaching out, he began bringing me closer. Pressing my body into his, he hands began roaming my body, exploring my voluptuous curves and tight waist. I tilted my head up as my lips met his, with more urgency and fervour than before. Breaking away from his hold but never losing his gaze, I slowly lowered the straps from my shoulders. The dress slid down my body, the material pooling at my feet on the floor. Standing there, in my lingerie, stay up stockings and pumps, talk was over. In a swift move, the space between us closed as we were drawn to each other. My fingers worked nimbly, unbuttoning his tailored suit and sliding it off him. I continued undressing him as we made our way over to the bedroom. We were absolutely ravenous in bed, it was the most passionate service of my career. I came over and over during our heated session together. Afterwards we made our way to the living room to pour another drink. We chatted away about life, economics and eventually got talking about politics. Already knowing he was prior to meeting him and being ever the social chameleon, I leant the conversation to favour his "conservative religious ideals". I couldn't help but laugh at the contrast between his public image and the man that I committed several delicious sins with immediately prior. After many more drinks, I could see him start to get restless so I steered the conversation towards more naughty things he's like to try. He asked if I had any toys to use and I seductively guided him back to my "office". We probably ended up using every toy in existence, in every way imaginable! A particularly hot session was where he penetrated me and then, holding onto a small toy of mine, double penetrated me. We collapsed on the bed afterwards, still entwined, our bodies shimmering from the sweat. Andrew* turned to me and whispered in my ear. I could barely make out the words in my post-orgasmic haze but it distinctly sounded something like 'if we could try fisting next'. At first I was a bit taken aback. Although our play was rapidly escalating, I did not expect this turn of events. Making sure that I didn't mishear him I asked him to repeat what he said. "Fisting, can we try it together?" he answered back clearly. Now, I don't typically try providing services that I am not experienced in, especially with new clients, but at this stage we were several hours (and drinks) into the booking and had developed quite a rapport and understanding of one another. Against my better judgement, almost as though without permission, the words escaped my lips, "sure." I cleared my throat as reason flooded back to me and I continued, "BUT, we will need to use gloves, plenty of lube and go slowly as I have not done it before". My mind was absolutely racing, worried about if he'd injure me but at the same time curious and kind of titillated by the thought. [You might want to stop here, dear reader, should you not wish to hear the events that resulted in possibly the most traumatic night of my career - you have been warned!] So, I excused myself and gathered all that I thought we'd need. I made sure to grab my extra lubricant along with larger toys I stow away in my suitcase should a client wish to be extra adventurous. Nerves melted away and I started becoming excited of exploring this untapped activity - something I could possibly add to my repertoire. Entering the bedroom again, Andrew* started shifting in the bed, settling to position himself on all fours. In that moment, I must've gone through a thousand different realisations and emotions. Firstly, the realisation that we weren't trying fisting on ME but that we were doing it to HIM. Secondly, that it would be anal fisting we were trying. Thirdly, from the enthusiasm and the position he quickly moved himself into, he had definitely done this before. Fourthly, was the fact that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I stood there frozen for a moment, in sheer terror, staring at this man's asshole wondering how the events of the night descended into this. It wasn't the fact that he was into ass-play or that he wanted a fist there, it was just that, generally, you'd like a bit of notice before you have to put your fist into someone's asshole. I composed myself and gave myself the biggest pep-talk of my life. Imagine Rocky Balboa's trainer amping him up before a fight - except instead of putting fists to faces, I was putting fists to assholes. Finally I moved closer, "you got this," I said to myself, trying to remind myself to breathe. I started gloving up and moved into position behind Andrew*. I'd given the occasional prostate massage before, but only ever a finger or two, so I thought I'd start from there. Coating my index finger in a thick layer of lube, I paused for one last apprehensive look and slowly slid the sheathed digit into the abyss. A soft, almost inaudible sigh escaped Andrew's* lips as my finger delved in. Slowly moving, I expertly positioned the pad of my fingertip against his P-spot. A second finger joined it's mate as I began applying pressure to his prostate in a slow pulsing tempo. I liberally applied more lubricant as I readied a third finger's entry. Andrew* became more animated in anticipation of what was coming. Teasingly, the next finger grazed the rim, swirling around but not entering. He squirmed on the bed, fucking himself on the two fingers already buried in is ass, trying the lodge the third with the others. His enthusiasm was soon rewarded as another finger plunged into him. Groaning in pleasure, I continued the pulsating motion against his prostate. And so it continued, a drawn out dance of teasing, tempting and rewarding him as I slipped in finger after finger. I was glad that I had brought extra lube as each digit was eagerly accepted into his asshole with almost no difficulty. Eventually, all five fingers were housed snugly within his ass, his cries of pleasure becoming louder and louder with each addition. I no longer needed to do much within him, the pressure already doing most of the work. Every slight motion appeared to send shockwaves of bliss throughout his body. Now, the final step, I thought to myself as I began curling my fingers into a fist within him. The added sensation against his prostate seemed to thrill him to no end as he began shouting his moans. I noticed how hard he had gotten in the process, seeing his rock hard member swinging below him, slick with precum. I reached under him to grab his erection with my available hand as my other one was now entirely engulfed. I wondered why I was so worried in the first place, everything was running so smoothly and it was going very well (I must admit, I was quite surprised how much I was enjoying things up until this point). My gloved fist moved in short, jerking motions within his ass as my other hand expertly gripped his member, delivering sensations that had Andrew* almost speaking in tongues. Suddenly, Andrew* tensed up, signifying his impending orgasm. When he finally came, I was not expecting certain things. The vice-like grip his ass had on my wrist startled me and instinctually, I withdrew my hand from him. He blew what seemed like the biggest load I have ever seen and crumpled to the bed, sweating and panting at the exertion. Meanwhile, I stood behind him, once again frozen and terrified. I looked down at my hand, aghast, the blood draining from my face. I wasn't sure if I was going to faint from the shock of what had just happened. Slowly sitting back up, Andrew* was absolutely beaming, a grin from ear to ear and his eyes sparkled. He stopped short when he saw the look on my face, "Are you okay?" he asked, "you don't look too well". I must've looked absolutely horrendous, I felt like I was going to be sick, like I wanted to scream and like I wanted to die, all at once. "I, umm.. I maybe, umm.." I stammered. "You did incredibly for your first time," Andrew offered in encouragement, I blanched even further. "I think... I think I lost the glove," I finally forced out. Stay tuned for part 2... The "Escort Diaries" segment is for entertainment purposes only. All characters and events appearing in this segment is entirely fictitious, any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. All key identifying aspects have been either removed or changed (character names, professions, specific dates and locations) to protect anonymity of these fictitious characters. As originally published on the Discreet Gentlemen Club's Escort Blog - For more sordid escort stories, head to
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October 26th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Discreet Gentlemen's Club in conjunction with Club 687 extend a warm welcome to all professional Dommes interested in working in Newcastle to get in contact. Dommes As travel restrictions are soon to be lifted, we are inviting touring dommes to reach out to us for information on our kink facilities available at our separate venue 687.  For additional information, please contact:  OR  0432 830 687 Club 687 Newcastle's hottest new adult venue.  Unlike traditional venues, Club 687 offers rooms, facilities and experiences by request (additional adult services may be facilitated with room hire but is not essential). It is to ensure the utmost privacy and exclusivity to our clients and to have an adult space for variety of purposes.  All bookings are made in advance and no "walk-in" services are available at this venue.
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June 19th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Where to search for escorts... Google search is the go-to for most, however the quality of search results can vary widely. It can also vary with the location and search terms used. Generally the main results you will find on google searches are escort directories - basically like a "phonebook" or "classifieds" for escorts and agencies. Some include agency ads whereas others are for independent escorts only. With plenty of escort directories out there (and many more cropping up every week) it's difficult to tell which ones have a better quality yield. There are also various escort agencies websites alongside directories (if it wasn't already confusing enough). Main Escort Directories Escorts and Babes - one of the oldest running Australian escort directories and with the most ladies to choose from. Contains both independent and agency escorts. Naughty Ads - quickly becoming another major contender as one of the biggest directories Australia-wide. With a blog section and various other subsections within the website, Naughty Ads is becoming even more exciting! (To see Discreet's featured blog posts on Naughty Ads CLICK HERE) Locanto  Skokka Independent Escort Directories There are also a wide range of independent escort directories out there also available for perusal, these are varied in markets however they generally are at a higher price point. Does price indicate quality of service? Yes and no. While the old adage of 'if it seems too good to be true, it probably is' does indeed reign true, exorbitantly higher prices does not necessarily mean exceedingly better service. That is to say, if a model-esque woman beyond compare to any other lady advertised is charging at a fraction of the cost, chances are that the lady advertised in the photo is not the woman you will meet - there are a fair few dishonest operators who utilise false photos for promotion (be wary of these, in particular for ads for vastly lower priced escorts or escorts without additional links - websites, social media, etc.). Discreet Gentlemen's Club uses recently taken photos of the ladies that work with us. All photos on profiles are of the ladies listed, so rest assured that the lady in the photo is the lady you will be meeting.  Higher priced escorts (specifically independent escorts) generally operate with higher overheads and more personal admin workload, which does account for some of the price difference straight off the bat. As for the rest of the difference in price, this can relate to additional services included in the price or includes special requests or it may not. Independent escorts (as well as agencies) set the prices that they believe is worth their time/services. The worth and value of services is entirely subjective and varies. It is entirely your prerogative if you continue with the transaction - if a provider or service is out of your price point, move on. At the end of the day, you can find good and bad service at every price point, and there are some ladies that you may simply just not click with - and that's okay too. Read on for tips on finding the best escort at your price point. Read the damn ad... Seems a fairly straight forward tip and a bit like a common sense sort of thing but you'd be surprised. You can save a lot of time for both yourself and the lady if you actually read the advertisement. Lots of ads will state what is or isn't included in the service, pricing or certain stipulations for the booking. There's no point starting to make a booking if the lady doesn't offer the services you are after or cannot cater to you. Read the ad. Determine if a lady suits you There's a reason it's called "punting"... No matter how much research you do on which escort to see, you are dealing with human interactions and as consequence - client experiences do vary. You can however mitigate certain factors that may affect compatibility with the lady in question Dealing with Agencies: Be clear about what you are after (the "best girl" or "most popular girl" may in fact not be your most suited lady). If you are interested in an educated, busty brunette to spend the night over a bottle of Pinot Noir, let the agency know. Be detailed as possible so that you can be matched with someone you will have a good time with. Dealing with Private ladies: Ladies on the higher end of the price scale will generally have some form of social media, website or otherwise that's fairly regularly updated to keep their clients in the loop of what is happening in their life. It allows you to have a bit of a glimpse at their personality and interests and helps you better understand whether or not your are suited to the lady. So you've found the perfect escort! Great! Once you find a lady that you get along well with a good way to ensure her returning to tour your city or town is to keep booking her - ladies only tour areas if it's in their best interest (i.e. if it's a profitable and pleasant experience). You may also wish to ask her if she could recommend any other ladies that offer similar services (some ladies may be able to direct you to the next best lady). CLICK HERE FOR MORE POSTS FROM AUSTRALIA'S FAVOURITE SEX BLOG - WITH THE FASTEST GROWING READERSHIP
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May 27th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Reignite the passion in your relationship and reach your full potential with a fully satisfying sex life. Perhaps you're feeling dissatisfied in your sex-life or feel like you could be experiencing a lot more, here are some ideas and advice for spicing things up in the bedroom and in your relationship. Find out what the issue is. Not all sexual issues or dissatisfactions have a sexual based origin, sometimes the disconnect is more personal or emotional in origin. The goal is always to try and maintain open and honest communication that is steeped in respect and love so that you can explore these issues in an unjudgmental way so that you are both feeling fully fulfilled in the relationship. Not having the sex you used to? Life can get in the way of previous passions and the longer you are together, the more complacent you can get with this. Stress is a massive mood killer and everyday factors such as work, bills, mortgage and children can leave you feeling drained and not in the mood for a night of passion. Make time for each other. Regularly set aside time alone to reaffirm your connection as a unit, there's a trope about long-term partners only being intimate on special occasions - every day should be a "special occasion" to celebrate your partner! This also takes away the feeling of it being a chore when it's only done on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It doesn't have to be extravagant, a night alone watching movies and having takeaway while the kids are at the grandparents can be romantic or plenty of other low-cost things can help reaffirm your connection (and this can be different from couple to couple - do things that are enjoyable to you, maybe things that you used to do when first dating or things of significance to you). Once you have a strong connection, you can discuss things you'd like to try, perhaps kinks or fetishes that you would like to explore and take your sexual relationship to new heights of pleasure. Discreet Gentlemen's Club can help with exploring these fantasies and new experiences in an unjudgmental and safe environment. The sky really is the limit at Discreet and we would love to help you on your journey to achieving ultimate satisfaction as a couple! Different libidos? This is actually a more difficult issue to resolve, like with everything, we all have different needs - you can try and mitigate certain things that adversely affect libido but you need to understand that not everyone has the same appetite with sex - and that's okay! Mitigate discouraging elements. Does your partner come home exhausted from work and after doing household chores just wants to go to bed? Or perhaps there's something stressful occurring within their life that's killing their sexual energy and libido? Offering support and reassurance can help alleviate external factors that can contribute to a low sex-drive. Be realistic on expectations though - helping with cleaning one time or being supportive during a busy, stressful work week does not guarantee a night of hot sex (having that expectation can lead to disappointment for all involved) but it can form the foundations to a more robust sex life. Sexual dysfunction Things like erectile dysfunction (inability to gain or maintain erection) or inorgasmia (the inability to achieve orgasm or loss of sexual desire) generally have a medical or mental origin. Explore the possible causes for this as things such as medication, general health and fitness, diet and mental-health can contribute to sexual dysfunction. Consult with your health professional or GP if there are underlying health reasons why this is occurring and for advice on alleviating those concerns. Consider speaking to a qualified sex therapist if the cause isn't as clear in nature. Things such as guilt, stress, trauma or other mental-health related aspects can severely affect sexual function, a professional sex therapist can explore this with you and help target mental blocks that may be adversely affecting your libido and sexual function. Trying something new and exciting So everything in your partnership is great and you are very much in love with each other but you feel like you've plateaued in your sexual play... Perhaps you feel like the sex is great but would just like to take things up a notch! Exploring new things really brings a certain zest to life, here we have some suggestions you can explore as a couple to bring a new life to your sex life.. Try adding toys A naughty but simple way to spice things up in your love life. There are a whole range of toys available on the market that are specifically for couples play. Even toys used for solo-play can really spice things up as you can try mutual masturbation or work as a team and really be able to guide your partner - explore different sensations and find out things that you enjoy together! Discreet Gentlemen's Club stocks a range of adult toys that can take your play to a new level. Alternatively you may wish to speak to one of our managers for more advice or read out Blog post relating to various toys available on the market. Try pegging Quite a common fantasy amongst straight men, strap on play can take your lovemaking to new levels with something completely different and new for you to try. We have several ladies that specialise in pegging that you may wish to bring in for a couples booking to advise and guide you on achieving a P-spot orgasm (prostate orgasm) through pegging. We can also guide you in strap-on selection as there are toys on the market that offer stimulation for both partners. Explore BDSM Consider hiring a professional dominatrix to guide you on BDSM play. Speak to us about our new exclusive venue complete with BDSM dungeon. The ultimate experience in couples play. ENJOY OUR BLOG? WITH NEW POSTS REGULARLY, COME AND SEE WHY WE'RE THE FASTEST GROWING AUSTRALIAN SEX BLOG
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BUCKS PARTIES - Newcastle / Hunter Valley / Port Stephens

May 6th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
THE WILDEST BUCKS PARTY OF YOUR LIFE by Discreet Gentlemen's Club Newcastle Bucks Party / Newcastle Bachelor Party For those that have experienced a Discreet Gentlemen's Club Bucks Party first hand, there really is no need for introduction, but if you haven't been blessed with attending one - boy are you in for a wild ride! Catering to the more reserved clientele wanting more easy going and restrained entertainment to boys that want to go hard or go home! Whatever you are after we have the facilities and packages for you! Scroll down to see the types of services available, but be warned! The further you scroll, the wilder our services become! (All services for 18+ audience) For pricing for packages or individual services please send us an enquiry in the form below, we generally require at minimum a few days to a week's notice to organise events however we may be able to offer basic ad hoc stripping services with short notice depending on lady availability. Birthday Parties / Christmas Parties / End of Season Parties / Divorce Parties Someone tying the knot isn't a prerequisite to experiencing the wildest parties in town! We cater to any occasion you can possibly think of (except maybe funerals). Want the Birthday Party of the year? Contact Discreet Gentlemen's Club...  Your team won the Grand Final and want to celebrate? Contact Discreet Gentlemen's Club...  Want to surprise your workers with a Christmas Party they won't soon forget? Contact Discreet Gentlemen's Club... ...You get the idea. Get in contact with us for pricing and packages available - all bucks party packages are available for any event. SERVICES Please enquire about our packages - each contains a mix of the services listed below and are cheaper than individually booking services. Lingerie Waitressing / Nude Waitressing Have a stunning lady at your private event serving drinks and interacting with guests. Lingerie, topless or fully nude options available by request. Discreet Gentlemen's Club will pair you off with the perfect bubbly playmate that is sure to take the party up a notch and bring life to the room. Strip Show / XXX Show A full-nude strip show with one of our experienced exotic dancers. Allow them to transport you out of this world with their clever tricks and moves! Shows may include lap dancing and naughty games to fully involve and immerse the audience in the experience - warning: some games may involve whipped cream & props and will get a little HOT! Toy Show There's almost nothing sexier than watching a woman pleasure herself. With the addition of toys, you're definitely in for one WILD experience! Ladies that offer toy shows are experienced in the art of seduction and know how to get the crowd going while getting herself off! Having a toy show at your private function or event will make it one to remember that's for sure! Lesbian Double Fulfil a fantasy while giving your party the night of their life! Watch as two stunning Discreet Gentlemen's Club ladies perform a lesbian sex show in front of your guests. Toys, tongues, fingers and fun - come and see how naughty ladies can be when they get together! Your party is bound to be the talk of the group for a long time coming.. or at least until the next Discreet Gentlemen's Club party you attend! Additional Services Ask about any other fantasy or service you may be after and we can discuss options for you. We are very open-minded and will try and come up with a solution for you to make your party extra memorable. Discreet Gentlemen's Club is the premier adult venue in Newcastle - we also offer adult entertainment services to your accommodation or home. Areas serviced: Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Anna Bay, Bar Beach, Belmont, Beresfield, Birmingham Gardens, Black Hill, Blacksmiths, Broadmeadow, Callaghan, Carrington, Caves Beach, Cooks Hill, Elermore Vale, Fassifern, Fingal Bay, Fishing Point, Fletcher, Fullerton Cove, Georgetown, Hamilton, Hamilton East, Hamilton North, Hamilton South, Hexham, Hunter Valley region, Islington, Jesmond, Kooragang, Kotara, Lambton, Lenaghan, Lovedale, Maitland, Maryland, Maryville, Mayfield, Mayfield East, Mayfield North, Mayfield West, Medowie, Merewether, Merewether Heights, Minmi, Morriset, Nelson Bay, New Lambton, New Lambton Heights, Newcastle, Newcastle East, Newcastle West, North Lambton, Polkolbin, Port Stephens area, Rankin Park, Raymond Terrace, Rothbury, Rutherford, Salamander Bay, Sandgate, Shoal Bay Shortland, Soldiers Point, Stanhope, Stockton, Swansea, Tarro, The Hill, The Junction, Tighes Hill, Wallsend, Warabrook, Waratah, Waratah West, Wickham and Williamstown. Please contact us if your suburb isn't listed and we can advise if our ladies service your area.
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Services for Women - Lesbian/Bi-Sexual Ladies Welcome

May 2nd, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
At Discreet Gentlemen's Club we regularly receive enquiries about whether we provide services for women..  We absolutely cater to women too! Discreet works with some highly experienced, professional ladies that offer genuine Bi-Sexual and Lesbian experiences for women and couples! Lesbian Bookings Why should men have all the fun? If you are inexperienced and looking to explore your sexuality, Discreet Gentlemen's Club provides a safe, unjudgmental environment for you to experience all you are after and more! We work with some highly experienced, genuinely bisexual ladies who can guide you on your journey and give you the confidence to explore your sexuality further. If this isn't your first rodeo and would like to try something new, our experienced ladies are happy to take you to new heights of pleasure - give us a call or send us an enquiry to discuss how we can help you achieve your desired experience. Discreet Gentlemen's Club is a strong supporter of the LGBTIQ community and strives to provide a safe, supportive and unjudgmental environment for people looking to explore their sexuality. Private intro and booking options are available to ensure utmost privacy and discretion for the community. Threesomes Whoever said "three's a crowd" has never experienced the decadent delights of a threesome! Whether you are in a same-sex couple or looking to book two ladies for a naughty threesome we have several options for you. Give our friendly reception a call to discuss options and arrange the experience of a lifetime! For lesbian couples looking to make a couples booking for the first time, head over to our blog post "COUPLES MASSAGE IN NEWCASTLE - COUPLES WELCOME" for additional information and advice. Straight Couples Exploring Bi-Sexuality This is by far our most common enquiry with straight couples. If you are reading while in a straight-couple partnership, either you yourself is interested in exploring bi-sexuality or perhaps your partner has always been interested in or fantasised about it.  At Discreet Gentlemen's Club we have a couple options for you.  You may wish to make a one-on-one booking with a female and explore things alone or you may wish to incorporate a lady into couples play.  A couples booking does not necessarily have to be a traditional threesome - the male partner may simply wish to be there for support, to watch, to only be involved with his partner or to be an active participant in all activities. What level of involvement is entirely up to you and should be discussed with the lady prior to starting your booking. For more advice on couples bookings and things to consider, read our blog post "COUPLES MASSAGE IN NEWCASTLE - COUPLES WELCOME" 
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May 2nd, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
The "Adult Industry" is a general term for any business that involves sex related work. This industry includes but is not limited to:  - Stripping / Strip Clubs - Escort services (Full-service sex-work) - Erotic Massage services - Pornography (including self-made cam-work and print media) - "Sex Shops" - retailers of toys for intimate use - Peep Shows - Adult Movie Theatres - Brothels & Escort Agencies - Fetish & BDSM services - BDSM dungeons Every section of the Adult Industry is different and experiences vary when starting out, below is just a generalised guide on what to expect when starting out in some of the commonly asked about industries.. Becoming a Stripper Stripping / Exotic Dancing is probably the most mainstream marketed field within the sex-work industry and probably the most misunderstood also. Stripping and pole dancing are not synonymous, as such, skill levels vary greatly amongst dancers with some having little to no experience with pole-work and some being award winning. Depending on the venue, some places provide lessons and guidance on working in a strip-club - however previous experience and skill is always favoured. Speak to different strip clubs and find out the skill level they are seeking and if they provide any lessons or guidance, this varies venue to venue. Also find out what the payment structure is like, and if there are any fees or cuts - are there floor fees? is there a cut from lap dances? is there a minimum charge for dances? etc. Please Note: Discreet Gentlemen's Club is not a stripclub, we do offer ad hoc stripping and bucks party services however we do not train ladies in stripping or take on inexperienced dancers. For ladies wishing to start at a strip club, we recommend getting in contact with stripclub venues in Sydney. Becoming an Escort (FSSW) Escorts or Full-Service Sex Workers (FSSW) are workers that offer sexual services up until [but not limited to] penetrative sex. Three main segments of escorting work are as follows:  - Private work (self-managed work) - Agency work (particularly relates to escort agencies - agencies that offer outcall services to clients and don't have incall facilities) - Brothel work (which may or may not include outcall work but with a fixed place of business) Read our Blog Post 'Sex Work / Escort Work' for a quick look into becoming an escort and the different types of escorting available. If you are interested in starting a career in escorting, please go to our careers page to submit an application. We will be in contact to organise an interview with our recruitment manager who will answer any additional questions you may have. Becoming a Masseuse (Erotic Massage) Erotic Massage / Sensual Massage / Rub N' Tug / Happy Endings Some people may dub this line of work as 'Sex Work-lite' however erotic masseuses are an integral part of the adult industry as any. Massage experience and qualifications in this field are valued but not essential. Erotic massage is more akin to a 'relaxation massage' (massages with the purpose of relaxing the client as opposed to a massage with remedial or health benefit) it has the added bonus of possible sexual release at the end of such massages either through hand release (hand job) or oral (blow job), whichever previously agreed upon. Training is generally on the job and guidance can be provided by massage parlours and/or other workers. Despite popular sentiment to the contrary, proper massage parlours do not offer sexual intercourse - a parlour that offer full-service (sex) is in actuality a brothel and falls under different regulations and rules. Please note: Discreet Gentlemen's Club is a full-service venue, we do not currently have positions available for "Massage Only" service providers. Becoming a Pornstar In the advent of cam-work and amateur porn, the traditional idea of a "Porn Star" or at least of becoming one is somewhat a thing of the past. Purchasing pornographic movies has now shifted to paying for subscriptions and the once booming interest in high production value porn has changed to a preference in self-filmed amateur porn. That's not to say you can't achieve the title of "Porn Star", however to do so generally requires a large, already established fan base or connections with already known porn stars or finding a niche market. And even after achieving all of this, you still may not achieve widespread success. So how do you get into porn? As the market has shifted, so too has the way porn has been filmed and distributed. A large number of pornographic actors now use self-managed platforms such as OnlyFans to distribute content and media. Various adult cam websites also allow sexual performances in real time with their subscribers, which means the ability to create customised porn for higher paying clients. The way you wish to market yourself and which platforms you choose are entirely up to you and what you are most comfortable with. As the work is independent, you do have the flexibility to post at times convenient to you and can decide the type of content you release. In order to be successful, you will need some form of social media following or fan-base to direct to the platform of your choice, you can always build on your fanbase but having no online presence prior to starting an account would make things a lot more difficult. Becoming a professional BDSM Dom/Sub So you've always been intrigued about the world of BDSM, perhaps you've dabbled a little in your personal life or maybe it's always been a fantasy you have had but have never been able to fulfil. But how do you start? Working in the realm of BDSM for the most part is a labour of love and requires genuine interest in BDSM. It is a long process to learn how to operate in a safe and sanitary manner plus the added costs of equipment can mean that it isn't viable for most. Books and movies referencing BDSM have appeared in the mainstream fairly recently, unfortunately a lot of these stories are pure fiction and are written by people with little to no experience with actual BDSM and are purely marketed for consumption by the masses. If this is your only exposure to BDSM, you may have a warped idea of what it actually entails. So how do you find out what BDSM is really all about? The best way to explore BDSM in a safe environment is to seek an established, reputable BDSM Dungeon. You can generally tell which venues are the most suitable due to the length of time they have been in operation and the experience of their staff. You may wish to start by making a booking and experience things first hand, alternatively you can reach out to experienced Doms and ask to become an apprentice. Please Note: apprenticeships are few and far in between and some Doms will not take you on if they believe you are not suited to the role. Working in the adult industry can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. It is entirely your decision what you wish to do and do not do and can stop at any time. This is just a short advice panel to give you some idea of what to expect in each industry. Knowledge and understanding is paramount to a rewarding career in any industry and we highly recommend additional research when entering into any new field. At Discreet Gentlemen's Club we have a team of highly trained, highly experienced managers that can help you on your journey - either by providing direct information and training (for ladies wishing to start a career escorting) or by referring you to other establishments and people that can assist.
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What To Expect as a Client in a Brothel

April 30th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Your First Visit to a Brothel + Tips for Having the Best Experience Maybe the idea has always intrigued or titillated you or perhaps you'd like to experience something new that you haven't quite been able to in your personal life? Whatever your reasoning, you have finally decided to bite the bullet and see what it's all about. But where to start and what can you expect? Depending on the state and city the brothel is located in, there may be many variations in both the pricing structure (e.g. some venues use different 'tiers' of pricing for the level and amount of services offered) and the manner in which you meet the ladies (e.g. private introductions or an informal lounge setting). For the purposes of keeping this blog post within a reasonable length and to keep it relevant to our patrons, we will be referring to NSW brothels and Discreet Gentlemen's Club, when stated. For laws and regulations regarding NSW brothels and sex work, along with interstate laws, you can visit the Scarlet Alliance website for more information. Finding the Right Brothel Probably the hardest to determine without actually visiting different venues. Most brothels rely on return clients and word of mouth to establish a reputation as a quality establishment - quality based off the ladies on roster (and their service) along with the rooms and facilities of the venue. In the absense of referrals, have a look at the Brothel's website to gauge the types of ladies on roster and the facilities available. Call the brothel and speak to reception for more information. Key questions to ask: What are the prices? What is included in the service? What is the best time to visit? In the case of your first visit, you may also wish to ask what the process is when arriving as there may be minor differences between venues. If there was a specific service you were after or a type of lady that you prefer, it would be worthwhile mentioning also. Your First Visit If you have already spoken to a receptionist and been briefed about the process you will have a better understanding of the general protocol and rules specific to that venue. *Some initial screening processes may have changed at venues due to COVID - inquire beforehand for any additional requirements* Once entering, you will be directed to a private booth or room for "intros" - where ladies come out to speak to you privately one-by-one, this is to introduce themselves and also answer any questions you may have about their service or if you were after anything in particular. After the introductions you will be asked by reception which lady you wish to see and the duration of time you would like to spend with the lady. Payment is collected by reception for the standard agreed services (extra services and monies are negotiated and paid directly to the lady). If you already know which lady you wish to see, you may opt to pre-book the lady over the phone. This bypasses the "intro" step and ensures the lady you are after is available for your allocated time. "Intros" - Meeting the Ladies "Intros" simply means introductions. It is a brief meeting between you and the ladies where you decide which lady is suited to the service you are interested in. Ladies offer different services (also colloquially known as "extras") in addition to the standard service, this may be discussed and negotiated between you and the lady. If you were after anything in addition to the standard service, politely ask the lady during the intros. Generally intros only last a few minutes for each lady, it's really to gauge basic information for booking purposes and to briefly know the type of service each lady offers. The more open you are with what you are after, the more likely you will find a lady suited to you and the more fulfilling your booking will be. Brothels are where dreams become reality, let us know how to make your dreams come true. Intro Tips + Picking the Right Lady Be polite but direct - if you are after a specific service or experience, ask the ladies. They are very open-minded and as long as you are respectful, you will get a response whether they are the most suited to your service or not. When the lady asks if there are any further questions, you may ask what her service is like (is she more GFE or PSE) and if she specialises in anything in particular - most ladies are quite flexible with services offered however some specialise in certain things such as GFE, PSE, doubles, stripping, toys, pegging, etc. If you are after a more affectionate service you may wish to ask the lady if she offers a "Girlfriend Experience" (GFE), if she does, what is included in her GFE. GFE generally relates to services more in the realms of what a partner would offer: kissing, cuddling, touching, mutual oral, etc. However the exact services varies lady to lady so it's good to know what GFE means for her. If a wilder, more sex focused service is your cup of tea you may ask the lady if she offers a "Pornstar Experience" (PSE) and what is included PSE generally relates to less affection orientated play and is more focused on the sex itself, it may include things like: multiple positions, spanking, hair pulling, gagging, etc. This also varies lady to lady though and some may offer more services included than others so it's always good to ask. You may be after something in between GFE and PSE and that's great too! Just let the lady know this is the type of service you are after and specifics where possible. Build a rapport with the receptionists, after a few visits receptionists understand what your tastes are and will steer you in the right direction with which lady would be most suitable to you. Being rude or offensive during intros can result in ladies refusing a booking with you - ladies have every right to refuse a booking and you may be asked to leave. No filming/photography in the intro rooms - we ask that phones be put away during intros. Discreet Gentlemen's Club is a Safe Sex venue, to avoid offending ladies and potential booking refusal, please do not ask for any natural services (including but not limited to natural oral). This is for the health and safety of our ladies and our patrons. The Booking Ladies will guide you to an allocated room, there she will give you a visual inspection of the area being serviced (an additional precautionary method) before you have a quick shower. After the shower, the magic begins. You will be advised as your time together draws to a close and you may wish to extend your booking (pay for additional time) or finish up your booking and get ready to leave. Please Note: Everything required for the service is provided - condoms, lube, etc. (with the exception of toys and speciality items) Return Visitors Tips If you find a lady that you like and would like her to return regularly, book her as often as possible. There is no guarantee a lady will ever return to a venue, but a way to encourage her is to ensure her time there is profitable and pleasant. Form a rapport with your receptionist, they will direct you to the ladies most suited to you and can advise you when your favourite ladies are working. Make bookings in advance, where possible, popular ladies in particular can quickly become booked out and in the case of touring ladies that are there for a short period of time, you may miss out entirely. Keep up to date with our Blogs at the Discreet Gentlemen's Club website.
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Ménage à trois - A guide to adding a third in the bedroom

April 25th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
"COUPLES WELCOME" by Discreet Gentlemen's Club Planning a threesome with your partner can be an especially daunting task, particularly for first timers. How will you find someone? Will they suit you both? What if someone becomes jealous? What if they get attached? It is important to have open and honest communication between you and your partner as well as the person joining you. Issues arise when reality does not meet expectation, which can often be avoided by good communication. Couples partake in threesomes for a variety of reasons - some may only be just exploring bisexuality, others to spice up the bedroom, some to fulfil a fantasy, some to please a partner and some just because... Whatever your reason, this short guide will hopefully help give you more insight into inviting a third into the bedroom. Work Out The 'Experience' You Are After" Some couples make the mistake of picking a lady before they've even decided what each of their own needs and wants are. Without prior discussion, adding a third person and no cohesive vision can end up in disappointment or disaster. Firstly, you need to know what each person's desired level of participation is and with whom - is someone actively involved or just watching? is the third person focusing solely on one person or both? What acts are allowed and what is taboo? Set boundaries that everyone is comfortable with and discuss your expectations. Be realistic. Once you are both on the same page you are then able to better communicate this with someone joining you. And now you're ready to decide which lady you'd like to join you. Meet Someone Personally Or Hire A Professional? So you're thinking about whether or not to either meet someone in your personal life to join you in your sexual escapades or to hire a professional. The truth is that there are pros and cons to both.  Meeting someone personally: there is always the risk of attachments forming, lines being blurred and having to deal with another person's needs and expectations in the mix also. That's not to say you can't find a mutually fulfilling addition, it is possible to have someone that's on the same page with what you want. The added bonus is that as it's a more casual set-up, there's opportunity to build more of a rapport with the person and explore what they are after as well. Hiring a professional: although the ladies are wonderful professionals and they are committed to making sure you have a great time, they are professionals. It is highly unlikely a lady will be a part of your personal life or form an attachment after a booking. She is dedicated to making your time together special and fulfilling to the both of you, but only during your time together. No risk of attachment could be exactly what you are after however. The positives of hiring a professional is also that you can explain exactly what you are after and what your expectations are without feeling awkward or having to navigate another persons sexual needs. An added bonus for newbies is that an experienced lady can give advice and provide guidance during the booking should you be a bit nervous as to how to approach it. There is no right or wrong answer as to which you should choose, just remember to be open and honest and to have fun! Making A Couples Booking So you've decided to make a couples booking at Discreet.  Give our friendly reception staff a call to discuss which ladies are available to choose from. Availability of ladies that offer couples services does vary day to day but our reception staff can advise you of what options you will have. For first-timers and inexperienced couples, it is recommended that you meet the eligible ladies in-house, there you will meet each lady individually and are able to ask questions, discuss what kind of service you are after and explain what your expectations are. Outcalls available for couples also Advice For First Timers • Pick the lady together - Surprises are not always welcome ones! Even if previously discussed, it's best to come to a decision together as to who you both wish to join you in the bedroom. • Be on the same page before meeting the ladies - Being on the same page with your partner is paramount as you can both appreciate and understand what each other are hoping to get from the experience and know what each other's boundaries are. • Be clear about what you are after - Professional escorts are amazing at what they do but they are not telepathic, they appreciate when clients explain what they are after as it takes a lot of guess work out of the booking, it also means you spend more time doing what you enjoy. • Have realistic expectations & don't stress - How was the first time for anything? Probably not that great.. Over thinking and overstressing is a massive mood killer, take it as an exciting new experience and run with it, the more relaxed you are, the more you will enjoy your time. EXPERIENCED COUPLES Yes, we do offer couples bookings at Discreet! Couples bookings are available as both incall/outcall We have a variety of ladies that service couples however their availabilities do vary, to find the best lady for you, please give our friendly reception staff a call to find out your options. If you were after an outcall with one of the ladies and haven't booked previously, you may wish to let reception know the type of experience and lady you are after and we can pair you with the most suitable lady. At Discreet, we are happy to help you explore your sexual fantasies and desires in an unjudgmental, safe and consensual environment. We look forward to hearing from you if you have any further questions or would like to hear more about Couples Bookings. To view more Blog posts head over to:
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July 28th, 2022 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
With more and more sites offering up a slew of pornography options and our consumption ever increasing, we examine the negative effects to watching porn. [original link here] Distorted Views of Consent Adult performers are in complete agreement to all acts prior to filming to any scene. These discussions negotiate everything from the type of act, the duration, the intensity, with whom, where, etc. Of course, this is not shown on film and viewers are not made privy to the fact that every action has been previously discussed and agreed upon. Particularly with rough sex scenes or scenes depicting CNC ("Consent Non-Consent") it can be hard to grasp that what you see on the screen isn't "real". The performers haven't spontaneously started the act nor have they suddenly started enjoying the rough or violent action mid-scene, they are playing a part and acting out the scene as previously discussed and agreed upon. Omitting the discussions and only showcasing the actions perpetuates the notion that a partner will acquiesce to sexual pressure eventually. Consent under duress is not consent. Continuing an action until a partner tells you to stop puts the onus on the other person for stopping the action. Consent should always be given freely and enthusiastically. Unrealistic expectations Pornography trends tend to favour things to the extreme degree - super extreme busts, super large/long members, very muscular men, very petite ladies, very large ladies, etc. As with physical characteristics of performers, a performance is also exaggerated for the enjoyment of viewers. Male actors can remain erect for hour long intervals for scenes and stay erect between takes and as filming takes place. To put things into perspective, the average duration sex lasts for among the general population is between 5-10 minutes. Female performers that specialise in things like squirting have several things in place prior to a scene and must ensure they are not dehydrated and have all the tools necessary to achieve the shot on film. Anal scenes require a lot of preparation prior to shooting. Fasting the day prior and enemas are a regular practice in the industry to prevent any unwanted excretions on film, things that are not always practical in real-world scenarios. Even with all these preparations and things in place, there can still be accidents or a star being unable to perform while filming - reshoots of scenes are not uncommon either. We don't even begin to mention that a lot of the scenes shown in porn aren't actually pleasurable. The angles are designed for optimum view for the camera and not for the benefit of the participants. Comparing personal experiences to pornography can lead to feelings of inadequacy, you may also start to feel disappointed and resentful towards sexual partners as you're expecting real people and experiences to be comparable to fiction. Perpetuating Stereotypes It is undeniable that porn perpetuates stereotypes. All it takes is a quick scroll through porn sites and you'll notice the categories and corresponding images - busty blonde bimbos, submissive Asian women, sexually aggressive African men, etc. People and personalities are more dynamic than the caricatures of themselves depicted in porn. Stereotypes create false expectations of other people's personality and interests which leads to many misunderstandings. overall conclusion If treated as is intended (as entertainment), porn is fairly harmless and allows you to see and explore things you would have otherwise not been aware of or have tried. Porn should not be used as sexual education. Consider how often you watch porn and how you refer to it in your personal experiences. For more information: Consent and sexual expression workshops are available at our CLUB687 venue, hosted by a wide range of qualified sex therapists and professionals - for more information head to Discreet gentlemen's club links newcastle escorts - discreet sex blog - APPLY TO WORK WITH US
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June 3rd, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Double the ladies, double the fun... Doubles Bookings Doubles bookings are simply when you book two ladies for simultaneous service. Think of a naughty little threesome where the guest of honour is yourself. A fantasy that most men have but rarely get the opportunity to experience - at Discreet Gentlemen's Club you can fulfil that fantasy at virtually any time and for any occasion! There are two main types of doubles that are available Lesbian/Bi-sexual Doubles and your standard Straight Double. Please note: not all ladies offer doubles bookings but we can advise you of your options when you get in contact with us. Tick "having a threesome" off your bucket list with some of the hottest women in the country that really know how to tease and please! A "once in a lifetime" experience that you can have again and again at Discreet Gentlemen's Club. Treat yourself on your birthday or special occasions or just because you deserve it! The ultimate in self-care... Delighting in the pleasures of two gorgeous women! Straight Doubles You are the focus of the threesome, the guest of honour and treated like a king! Have two stunning Discreet Gentlemen's Club ladies fawning over you and lavishing attention and affection to you solely. Interaction between the ladies is fairly minimal as you are the centre of attention and the experience is focused on you! Bi-Sexual Doubles / Lesbian Doubles A very naughty threesome where ladies will warm you up by seductively playing with each other, enticing you to join in on the fun - you won't be able to resist for long! Whether you'd like to sit back for a while and watch the view or be an active participant in every naughty action, the choice is yours. Have the time of your life and tick that off your bucket list! Make it Extra Naughty! - Some Additional Services Available Try Roleplay: Always fantasized about walking in on a lesbian couple and being invited to join? The sky is the limit with roleplay scenarios - speak to the ladies for more ideas! Add Toys: toys for he or toys for she? The addition of toys add an extra naughty element to play - toys are available for sale at Discreet Gentlemen's Club, ask for options today! Double-Ender Play: A seriously risqué addition to a Lesbian/Bi-Sexual Double booking - double enders are available for sale at Discreet Gentlemen's Club. Discreet Doubles Call us to find out what options you have in regards to the doubles booking you are after, alternatively you may wish to click the link below and have a look at our roster to see the type of naughty ladies ready to play. ENJOY READING OUR BLOG? READ MORE ON OUR WEBSITE NOW...
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May 24th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
So you'd like to start in the adult industry as an escort and would like to begin through a brothel Brothel Work A first choice for a lot of ladies looking to start out in escort work / sex work. Brothels handle the security, marketing and booking/admin side of the business allowing you to focus primarily on your clients and service. Are all brothels the same? Honestly, no. As with every industry there are some businesses that are great, care about the happiness and safety of their workers and some that are less than ideal. There is also variations between a brothel's management and the level of experience and support from management can vary widely. Picking the Right Brothel It is very hard to pick the best venue to work for when starting out, without any industry experience it is easy to fall for catchy slogans and promises of big cash without knowing what to look for. Ideally, you want to find a venue that is supportive and knowledgeable enough to help you reach your highest earning potential in an environment that is safe and comfortable for you. Do's Ask lots of questions, you can usually tell the quality of management by their ability and willingness to answer questions. Work out how you want to be marketed - this is generally a collaborative effort between you and management, you need to have a cohesive vision to be successful. Without experience, you might not know what will work best for you specifically (which is okay!) but form a plan so that you both know what you are comfortable with - the way you are marketed can dramatically affect the kind of clientele you receive, a good manager will know after meeting you what your market is. Find out what safety/security measures are in place. Look at the types of ladies currently on roster for a venue, if they are all fairly similar this may be simply coincidence or it can be because the clientele of that venue has a certain preference - ask management about this as you may be more successful at another venue or they may actually be searching for a lady that is different to their current roster. Find a place that is genuinely supportive - almost every venue will say they have "supportive female management" but whether this is the case varies. Schedule a time to actually speak to management to discuss any questions you may have and learn more about how they actually help you achieve your financial targets. Find out what is or isn't supplied - lots of venues supply everything for service (i.e. condoms, lube, etc) but some places don't. Find out what is supplied and what you need to bring. Ask what the dresscode is - some venues have a preference for lingerie, some require stockings and some will expect you to wear evening-wear. Find out what the venue you're speaking to is after. Ask about how the clients meet you (introductions/intros) and how they select. A good manager will be able to give you tips for intros and how to secure the booking, along with provide ongoing support in this field. Find out how many ladies are rostered per shift. Dont's Don't fall for enticing messages promising how much you will make. No venue can guarantee you will make a certain amount, if they do, ask if they provide a retainer if you don't reach their claims. Of course that doesn't mean you can't reach those amounts, but that requires a collaboration from management with how you're marketed, advertising, and of course your own service and attitude towards clients - find a brothel where managers help you reach your fullest potential rather than provide gimmicky claims. Don't think you don't have any other options, there are hundreds of brothels and escort agencies out there. Find one you feel most comfortable with before starting out. Don't be pushed into services or roles that you are not comfortable with, you at any point have a right to withdraw consent and the amount and range of services you offer is entirely up to you. Ask what the minimum service requirements are (what is included in the booking price) and if you are not comfortable with providing this service, decline the position. Don't think you need to perform or produce anything sexual to gain a position at a venue. Photos being sent for review by a venue/recruitment purposes should illustrate how you look but can be fully clothed (we do not need to see nude/sexual images for recruitment). If you find that a venue requires nude images or any sexual services for employment - run! Don't over-commit - only agree to shifts/rosters that you can actually fulfil (good managers will be able to advise you when you're overcommitting). Doing too many hours can actually be to your detriment as it's at the expense of your overall service and presentation and will negatively impact you in the long run. Don't go in bite off more than you can chew - by this we mean don't put down an extensive list of services you might not be able to handle. Keep your list of services simple and basic until you have experience dealing with minor issues that may arise in bookings. You can always add services as you become more experienced. Things to Think About When Starting Out Consider why you are applying - the industry really isn't for everyone and although the idea of quick cash may be enticing, whether or not you can do the work is another story. Ladies that do not have a genuine interest in the work tend to struggle as this affects the way you present when meeting clients and the quality of service you provide. If you are definitely interested in starting in the industry think about how you'd like to be marketed - things like your "working name" (alias that you work under), the way you dress, the way you're advertised and the service you provide all come into it. You may wish to discuss with management when applying what their thoughts are and come to an agreement as to how you wish to be portrayed. Be wary of venues that provide little to no instruction when starting out in the industry, generally the less information a venue provides, the less support they will give you as a whole. Work at Discreet Gentlemen's Club - Newcastle Adult Work / Newcastle Sex Work So you've decided to start your career in adult work / sex work at Discreet Gentlemen's Club. We pride ourselves on having one of the most experienced and supportive management teams in the industry offering ongoing training and direction to help you achieve all of your financial goals. Discreet Gentlemen's Club is the biggest and most renown full-service venue in the Hunter Region and our service area is one of the largest in the country! Don't let that intimidate you though, being a regional town we like to limit the amount of ladies on shifts to allow each lady the opportunity to reach thier maximum earning potential. This also allows us to have better rapport with our ladies and make sure all ladies are given the same high-quality support consistently (as opposed to venues in some larger cities where you may be working against 20+ other ladies!). The Recruitment Process The first step in the recruitment process is by applying to work with us via our CAREERS page. Provide information about yourself including your stats, location and any relevant experience in the industry - if you have no experience that's okay, it just let's us know how much information and how in depth we need to be during the interview and induction. You will receive a response via email and/or text message soon to schedule an interview. Interviews conducted by our recruitment manager are generally scheduled for between 12pm-6pm AEST Monday to Friday. If you require an interview outside of those hours, we may be able to schedule an interview with one of our other experienced managers. Interviews are conducted either in person (in the case of local ladies - highly recommended if you can get to the venue) or via FaceTime or Skype for ladies further away. During this time questions are answered and further details are discussed about the position along with your availability and experience - it is a fairly casual conversation which mostly determines compatibility within the business and whether or not you would like to proceed. Induction In the case of in-house interviews, induction generally is done in conjunction with the interview and for interstate or travelling ladies, this occurs on arrival. The induction usually goes for an hour or longer as we try to be as thorough as possible in providing instruction as to safety and security measures along with other processes of our business. Information is provided for how to achieve your best outcomes both with intros and with extending bookings with clients. We discuss ways in which you would like to be marketed along with dealing with the varying types of clients. The induction basically gives you all the groundwork for starting a successful career in the industry. Please note: the learning process is always ongoing and you are always welcome to ask for more direction as you continue on - management will try and assist and offer advice if we believe you are not reaching your potential. This additional support is always there if you feel you require it also. Rosters At Discreet Gentlemen's Club you set the shifts you would like to work, you can work as often or as little as you like and the times most suited to you. Roster requests are submitted by midday Wednesday for the following week's shifts and are finalised and sent out on Sunday. Minor changes may be made in this period and will be discussed with you during the interview and induction process. New ladies to the industry: we do not start inexperienced ladies on a Friday or Saturday night shifts as they are the fastest paced shifts and we cannot guarantee the usual high quality level of support for new ladies (we field hundreds of calls, texts, emails and walk-in clients on these nights and do not have the ability to micromanage ladies). We will direct you to start either on a weeknight shift or one of our day shifts as, although they are still busy, it is a manageable level where we can still assist and check in with you. Your First Shift For your first shift at Discreet Gentlemen's Club we will pair you with an experienced escort that can assist you with any additional questions along the way and show you how to conduct a proper health check on a client and how to reset a room, along with give you additional tips on the job. You will have ongoing support of management also who will check in with you at several points of your first shift to make sure you are okay and to see if you need any additional support. Out of Town Recruits At Discreet Gentlemen's Club we understand and appreciate that not every lady wishes to work in their home town or city, in fact many of the ladies that work with us travel from various other cities and states. At Discreet we provide accommodation for ladies travelling for work and can offer flight/transport assistance for ladies travelling to Newcastle for the first time. Ladies from out of town are encouraged to apply - we can discuss what options are available during the interview and recruitment process.
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May 19th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Australia's Sweetheart of Porn returns to Discreet Gentlemen's Club Thursday 27th May - Saturday 29th May! Koby Wilde is an absolute GODDESS and favourite of Newcastle, this well-known Australian Porn sensation will drive you absolutely wild as she teases and pleases you beyond your wildest dreams! Koby is a nationally touring Pornstar escort and adult-industry personality with a massive loyal fanbase - come and see why Koby is a renown luxury companion and why her clients keep coming back for more! Experience the decadent delights of her forked tongue and delicious curves as she takes you to new heights of pleasure. Skilled at fetish and kink play, discuss with us the services you'd like to explore with Koby by calling and speaking to one of our friendly managers. Never seen a Pornstar escort before and not sure what to expect? The WILDEST night of your life, imagine experiencing a Pornstar Experience (PSE) from a genuine Pornstar! Koby offers an extensive list of extra services that will more than leave you utterly satisfied - be warned though, you'll need several hours with this lovely lady to explore all of her 'extra services'! Bookings in advance highly recommended - as one of our most popular touring ladies, Koby frequently gets booked out! Avoid disappointment by getting in early and making a booking! An experience like no other... A night with Koby Wilde really is an experience you won't soon forget! Her list of additional services available are as hot and as wicked as her forked tongue! Don't be shy, let us know what your fantasies are and we can discuss how she can make them happen. Pleasure and satisfaction are what she is known for, have a look at Koby Wilde's profile for more details.. Subscribe to Koby's Content Want to warm up before Koby arrives? Watch some of her naughty videos and content to prepare you for the arrival of this stunning porn sensation. CAUTION: CONTENTS ARE SUPER HOT!!! READ MORE OF DISCREET GENTLEMEN'S CLUB BLOG POSTS
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May 10th, 2021 by Discreet Gentlemen's Club
Exciting developments are on the way for the Newcastle BDSM & KINK community! Imagine having a dedicated space to explore your inner most wildest desires without judgement or discomfort.. or having an entire venue dedicated to you! So far the Newcastle and Hunter region has been severely deprived of locations that specifically cater to the more niche fantasies and clientele. Well that is soon to change... You may have heard of Discreet Gentlemen's Club or indeed paid us a visit and seen first hand how boisterously busy our venue gets. This atmosphere may not be to everyone's tastes, particularly those that value a quieter, more private environment. We are pleased to announce our second venue opening shortly.. Dedicated Space for Couples Imagine a space that is entirely dedicated to you. Have the run of an entire venue so you never have to bump into anyone else (besides our lovely ladies) - Perfect for clients that highly value privacy! Explore your wildest fantasies and spice up your sex life! Facilities and Equipment Whether you're a professional touring Dom/Sub looking for a space to work from or looking for venue hire to spice things up in your love life, we have room for you! We are currently consulting with industry experts about upgrades to facilities to ensure the best experience possible. Suggestions are very welcome at this stage of development as we work hard to build your dream venue - catering to all your KINK and BDSM needs in the Newcastle/Hunter Region. Services Available Dom/Sub services will be made available in due time as we discuss with providers wanting to work in our space. This may include introductory classes into the world of BDSM along with services for the seasoned practitioner. Additional announcements to follow soon Feedback Welcome Now's your chance to let us know what you'd like to see in Newcastle! The facilities and services that you would like to see along with any other suggestions! Professional BDSM Doms/Subs looking for spaces to work from are encouraged to get in contact with us also.
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