My My week with the journeying through “the concept of truth “ for anyone and what I’ve discovered
The thing about certain mind altering substances is that for escorts - in my view “ civilians have to peel back the layers off onions shall we just speak figuratively I have been burnt by civilian friends and therefore opt to live in my own and be the diel
inalwaya somewhere I would be …. Mostly never coming down but jubilant enough to the lord for his mifjrtt. Lesssongs that will happen all around tou if you believe on their own and you know what happens then as soon as you about too climax ..
oe are having a sexually “feeding -off - someone’s’ experience w engaged other party - in that mode of altered morale I can imagine it is a dangerous and demonic way Ron e all the rime because it is complete climax to rhe max sexual predator just look at my eyes in the film illustrated below . I’m ao charged with sexual desire that I don’t think I could capture a more truth wil look e story ro The theme is the theme of the week../.
my journey of the case of the concept of “unravelling An onion”. in case you are wondering where my point lies it will come at the end and that is in these abstract ways my spirit or subconscious is unable ( or unuse to ) being able to to handle myself and not bw my complete sexual self - which comes out through certain substances . I sorry that if they are not on my level they may be totally freaked out by myself and my client away by the predatory sexual demonic Angel that asks that does emerge are from the most truthful and vulnerable Plaa a wa that exist inside you … Phyaically that is…..
more next week
Carmel Coulteir
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