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Carmela Coultier

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User Details

Name: Carmela Coultier
Username: ccoultier
User ID: 20731
Twitter: @carmelacoultier
About Me: From the weight of storms to the calm after, I’ve learned to turn survival into strength and life’s wreckage into art. Sharing raw, unfiltered pieces of a life rebuilt—unapologetically mine. A journey of growth, connection, and triumph. And with that comes the eloquent balance of depth and allure—a companion who brings warmth, intelligence, and genuine connection to every encounter. Whether you seek engaging conversation, unforgettable moments, or simply a reprieve from the ordinary, I offer an experience that’s as authentic as it is extraordinary. Together, we’ll create something truly unique, where you’ll feel seen, appreciated, and completely at ease.

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Posts by Carmela Coultier

Time wasters

March 8th, 2025 by Carmela Coultier
I would Just like to say that the diatribe of the punters in that planet of hunting and punting Is exactly that- whinging and putting down escorts - and using the tactic of deposits not being paid to the escort as an excuse to abuse and potentially be time wasters—-  my brief blog here this afternoon addresses the issue… Can we have something more than just an ugly mugs list and how can we help each other for these time wasters are absolutely getting too far ahead of themselves… Reading through the ugly mug list on naughty ads thank goodness they let us be alerted to one when he is nearby, but I think we need more than that does anyone have any suggestions 
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Psych up song

February 27th, 2025 by Carmela Coultier
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Great Track

February 6th, 2025 by Carmela Coultier
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The Shadow That Forever Follows.. .by Carmela Coultier

January 26th, 2025 by Carmela Coultier
Beneath city lights, the night unfolds, An escort walks with secrets untold. Skin lies velvet over heart as steel, A touch that hides what she won’t reveal. A life of whispers, deals and dance, Her steps are measured, a fleeting chance. An escort’s path, dark and near, Holds her close, a silent tear. Addiction to lust, to love, to lies, A mask she wears, her soul disguised. Yet somewhere deep, beyond the night, A glimmer stirs, a flicker of light. Through velvet shadows, she learns to see, The power, the strength of what could be. A woman from darkness slowly grows, To dreams of dawn, to hope that glows.
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Independent work is sometimes dangerous .... money worth it but see below for my other secret passion ..

December 25th, 2020 by Carmela Coultier
Whilst working in the independent escort industry since 2007, I’ve been through some interesting and dangerous circumstances. The neurosurgeon Suresh Nair was one out all that lasted 12 hours in which I could have died given his ( passion for intoxicating himself and dissociating to a near-noxious level) time you all remember the four corner documentary on his fall from too neurosurgeon status at Nepean hospital to nonchalance and bad choices when leaving two escorts dead own his 1) Maclean street apartment in ports point followed by 2) the slow companion left for days in the Bondi apartment. Well, now to the crux of the above matter stated - though this will be a very lengthy informative one after that pretext!! lol It is a fact that the independent private escort, without management, security or camaraderie of a fellow colleague (escorts working closely together; is very much akin to the stress and reminder that similar situations like that are happening everywhere. That has happened in a not so long ago history ( a decade in the uppermost “exclusive “ echelons of Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Having gone through such an experience ( that I will leave details providing context allows, for another (watch four corners on the neurosurgeon Suresh Nair that was privy to the death of eastern suburbs escorts) A choice that I choose to work in one of ( well actually The Best Establishments- LIAISONS of Edgecliff; one that is of safety and high class not to mention HOT AS HELL GIRLS THAT ARE JUST AS HOT FOR THEIR clients as the clients are for them. I, therefore, am in my realm of like-minded nymphs that are young, educated and travelling. Moreover, there is ( my subjective view, not scientific — obviously)!!! 90% better in their attitude and looks within their job at liaisons than any other escort on most high escort sites. I’m on scarlet blue, and I find that I get beautiful clients there but being times of volatility in the market and decreasing finances I am not a good saleswoman. I have compassion and therefore lose fiscal responsibility and site of my budgetary goals. some cannot pay high rates regularly, so I refer them to liaisons where I am known as Candy here I spend four days a week and then three days when I’m off the super exclusive sophisticated Carmela Coultier French and English speaking, born Australian, I try to find the time to work from my home providing incalls and then having the pleasure to meet ( my favourite types) business people in their hotel room on their busy schedule between meetings - so these outcalls to the city and east and northern suburbs are infamous for discretion and education- in which I excel in, and take too seriously enjoying above all other appointments- types.  So, these outings I have once been the colleague of a rival company in which case I would indeed talk and be the associate of my client as he requested and spoke through the strategy and script. These are rare, but I love these roles because A courtesan is supposed to hold her own and support the client REGARDLESS of context. That’s why the prices are high. I have a degree and a bachelor in science and education and molecular biology and business diploma. I have experienced much in the field, but I can at least accompany and have your back and hold a strategy conversation In social frameworks.
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The dangerous side

January 12th, 2021 by Carmela Coultier
Whilst working in the independent escort industry since 2007, I’ve been through some interesting and dangerous circumstances. The neurosurgeon Suresh Nair was one out all that lasted 12 hours in which I could have died given his ( passion for intoxicating himself and dissociating to a near-noxious level) time you all remember the four corner documentary on his fall from too neurosurgeon status at Nepean hospital to nonchalance and bad choices when leaving two escorts dead own his 1) Maclean street apartment in ports point followed by 2) the slow companion left for days in the Bondi apartment. Well, now to the crux of the above matter stated  - though this will be a very lengthy informative one after that pretext!! lol It is a fact that the independent private escort, without management, security or camaraderie of a fellow colleague (escorts working closely together; is very much akin to the stress and reminder that similar situations like that are happening everywhere. That has happened in a not so long ago history ( a decade in the uppermost “exclusive “ echelons of Sydney’s eastern suburbs.  Having gone through such an experience ( that I will leave details providing context allows, for another (watch four corners on the neurosurgeon Suresh Nair that was privy to the death of eastern suburbs escorts)  A choice that I choose to work in one of ( well actually The Best Establishments- LIAISONS of Edgecliff; one that is of safety and high class not to mention HOT AS HELL GIRLS THAT ARE JUST AS HOT FOR THEIR clients as the clients are for them. I, therefore, am in my realm of like-minded nymphs that are young, educated and travelling.  Moreover, there is ( my subjective view, not scientific — obviously)!!! 90% better in their attitude and looks within their job at liaisons than any other escort on most high escort sites. I’m on scarlet blue, and I find that I get beautiful clients there but being times of volatility in the market and decreasing finances I am not a good saleswoman. I have compassion and therefore lose fiscal responsibility and site of my budgetary goals.  some cannot pay high rates regularly, so I refer them to liaisons where I am known as Candy here I spend four days a week and then three days when I’m off the super exclusive sophisticated Carmela Coultier French and English speaking, born Australian, I try to find the time to work from my home providing incalls and then having the pleasure to meet ( my favourite types) business people in their hotel room on their busy schedule between meetings - so these outcalls to the city and east and northern suburbs are infamous for discretion and education- in which I excel in, and take too seriously enjoying above all other appointments- types.  So, these outings I have once been the colleague of a rival company in which case I would indeed talk and be the associate of my client as he requested and spoke through the strategy and script. These are rare, but I love these roles because A courtesan is supposed to hold her own and support the client REGARDLESS of context. That’s why the prices are high. I have a degree and a bachelor in science and education and molecular biology and business diploma. I have experienced much in the field, but I can at least accompany and have your back and hold a strategy conversation In social frameworks.
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The diatribe of punters planet—rise up all beauties and rest assured with voices heard

June 22nd, 2022 by Carmela Coultier
I would Just like to say that the diatribe of the punters in that planet of hunting and punting Is exactly that- whinging and putting down escorts - and using the tactic of deposits not being paid to the escort as an excuse to abuse and potentially be time wasters—- my brief blog here this afternoon addresses the issue… Can we have something more than just an ugly mugs list and how can we help each other for these time wasters are absolutely getting too far ahead of themselves… Reading through the ugly mug list on naughty ads thank goodness they let us be alerted to one when he is nearby, but I think we need more than that does anyone have any suggestions
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Mingling with the otherwise / who will join?

August 29th, 2022 by Carmela Coultier
Hi I’ve always been excited to go to a gang bang or swingers group - I’ve heard so many things from clients - things being- stories a - plenty full of dark dungeons and the old hellfire days / but Perpective and this take a “grain of sal ezxus the term when I’m listening as the third party im faced with my teeming mins having heard this for but I’d I do and have not stopped thinking about it… so I’ll launch right in — - - — — - -wgere so I go - with I’m assuming the etiquette is having a partner you for entry but it makes my mind wander into the “ so-called- “naughty” -recessives of my mind and wonder if females can show up alone and do I have to be alone - and that poses my final question Okay gentlemen, if a female cannot be accepted single without a plus one - and vice versa—might one of you gentleman reading this like ro Escort me to suxh a place time because hello clients out there/ want to join me in a place in the night that would satisfy my urges both inquisitive but with satisfaction and gratification ?
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My My week with the journeying through “the concept of truth “ for anyone and what I’ve discovered

May 26th, 2022 by Carmela Coultier
 The thing about certain mind altering substances is that for escorts - in my view “ civilians have to peel back the layers off onions shall we just speak figuratively I have been burnt by civilian friends and therefore opt to live in my own and be the diel inalwaya somewhere I would be …. Mostly never coming down but jubilant enough to the lord for his mifjrtt. Lesssongs that will happen all around tou if you believe on their own and you know what happens then as soon as you about too climax .. oe are having a sexually “feeding -off - someone’s’ experience w engaged other party - in that mode of altered morale I can imagine it is a dangerous and demonic way Ron e all the rime because it is complete climax to rhe max sexual predator just look at my eyes in the film illustrated below . I’m ao charged with sexual desire that I don’t think I could capture a more truth wil look e story ro The theme is the theme of the week../. my journey of the case of the concept of “unravelling An onion”. in case you are wondering where my point lies it will come at the end and that is in these abstract ways my spirit or subconscious is unable ( or unuse to ) being able to to handle myself and not bw my complete sexual self - which comes out through certain substances . I sorry that if they are not on my level they may be totally freaked out by myself and my client away by the predatory sexual demonic Angel that asks that does emerge are from the most truthful and vulnerable Plaa a wa that exist inside you … Phyaically that is….. more next week Carmel Coulteir
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The pleasures and pain of holding in and the pain of holding my climax(ES)

November 16th, 2021 by Carmela Coultier
I have, and ambproud of the climax(es) I have during my encounters escorting yet am astounded by the pornography - industry stereotype that: “ squirting means orgasm and I quote “must be felt and seen” end quote... Male species - and porn Industry illusions: INCORRECT!!! I have as many orgasms as I can in my client encounter because simply; ..... I CAN!!! And I've noticed that my clients do have a resentful Demeanour... Because of my one after the other climaxing roller coaster of fun and so they before pit to you down here in picture form to document this history of me trying to hold in my climaxing fun.
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Daddy daughter role play

April 28th, 2022 by Carmela Coultier
Views on the tan boo topic are that much of a fascination that it appears ( incorrect Tlt may add ) on porn sites everywhere - my primary goal ( or one of many) has been the experience through escorting and my experiences and experiments ( lol shall we say: on myself) and to me, that is absolute therapy . View below for an example of a fun time with a recent client of mine
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Available Now!!!!

August 2nd, 2021 by Carmela Coultier
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