Cleos On Nile
Cleos On Nile - Brisbane's Best Legal Brothel - In House Services Only
Monday | 24 Hours |
Tuesday | 24 Hours |
Wednesday | 24 Hours |
Thursday | 24 Hours |
Friday | 24 Hours |
Saturday | 24 Hours |
Sunday | 24 Hours |
Sexuality | Straight (Heterosexual) |
Gender | Female |
Category | Escorts |
Cleo's on Nile is the best brothel in Brisbane.
Under Queensland legislation, we are not permitted to publish the details of the services provided by the ladies at Cleos on Nile. We can tell you that the standard services provided are time-based and that they are in the comfort of 5-star luxurious rooms.
You are welcome to make bookings if there is a particular lady you have met previously and would like to spend time with again. This guarantees that the lady of your choice will be available for you when you arrive. Cleos on Nile caters to all gentlemen’s preferences. If you like a lady from the web-site and wish to see her, Cleos does not make an appointment as she will have to meet you first. Bookings are NOT REQUIRED here as most guests like to view the ladies available when they arrive.
A variety of other erotic services are available by agreement between you and the lady you choose to spend time with. We are happy to discuss your needs further when you visit.
In the interests of your health and ours, only safe sex is practised at Cleos on Nile. Queensland legislation (Prostitution Act 1999/Prostitution Regulation 2000) and Cleos on Nile require the use of condoms by guests engaged in sexual acts.
Darius Folau: I love this place. Women are gorgeous and friendly. I always leave a happy man :) John Targett: Cleo's on Nile is an oasis in the desert for someone looking to spend some quality time with a gorgeous woman. The establishment is clean, and the management are polite, jovial welcoming and helpful and put you at ease straight away so there's nothing to be nervous about. The selection of beautiful women at Cleo's is large and vary in age, hair colour and body size, the choice is yours. It's a smorgasbord of delights. The particular lady I chose to spend my time with was Pixie, a stunning Redhead, with green eyes and delightful soft skin and curves in all the right places. She made me feel relaxed throughout the whole stay, she is a skilled masseuse, and has a naughty side too, which matches her sense of humor. I find her accent particularly sexy too. She is the complete package. I thoroughly advise any one wishing to have a relaxing sexy time to check her out at Cleo's on Nile.
Starting Price | $160 |
@CleosOnNile | |
facebook.com/cleosonnile | |
Website | cleosonnile.com.au |