Content Moderation
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- any content that shows a sexual act will be flagged as hardcore - any content that shows a simulated sex act will be flagged as softcore - any content that shows nudity will be flagged as softcore - hardcore content is never allowed and will be permanently deleted - for locations that allow softcore content it will be shown - for locations that require restricted access for softcore content, it will only show for logged in VIP punters - currently restricted access is required for QLD (subject to change without notice) - neither softcore nor hardcore cotent is allowed on blog posts - references to "natural" services or related terms is not allowed to be entered into the "Your Name", "Title for Ad" fields nor anywhere under the "Author Bio" section and will be deleted - the location for a single listing page is defined by the base location - the location for a listing in search pages is defined by the tour location if on tour, otherwise the base location - the location for a virtual tour listing is defined by the base location - any content that is excessively blurry or of a poor quality will be deleted Naughty Ads bases its content definitions on the Online Safety Act 2021 as well as the guidelines set out by the eSafety Commissioner. Naughty Ads defines and moderates content in and at its sole discretion and in line with its terms.