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Name: 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
Username: annabelle2
User ID: 129965
About Me: 🍭Hi I'm AnnaBelle!🍭 🎈Come and play with me! 🎈 I have lots of fun toys for us to play with 😼😽🙀😻

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Posts by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥

🥰 digital hug 🤔🤭🤫 from me to you 😘

February 14th, 2025 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
I have to admit something 🤭 I had NO idea it was 💝 valentines day today!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹 Ive been stuck alone at home this week. I started thinking, I can't be the ONLY person who is by themselves tonight 🤔🫣🤭.. 😉 So I'm..😉😊
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New prices for 2025

January 23rd, 2025 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
Hey, we are doing exciting things. Not only will number 23 be renamed INFINITY 23 but there are lots of exciting things in store. Along with this as of the 3rd of February prices will be $600 120 mins $350 per hour $200 30 mins $270 40 mins $120 15 mins AnnaBelle xoxo
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'Disability' friendly 'erotic massage', Adelaide.

January 18th, 2025 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
If you are nuro diverse🥳 (adhd, autistic etc), or have a physical disability 🤗 There are few places in south Australia where you feel safe going into if you have a 'disability' (sorry, but i hate that word ;) ) I can tell you from experience that the establishment I work is disability friendly. I'm being truthful when I say that for the following reasons ♥️ a calm, quiet, friendly establishment from the moment the receptionist greets you till you leave. ♥️ it is not located on a main road and in a quiet suburb. ♥️ some girls are nuro diverse themselves, and those who arnt are incredibly accepting. ♥️ large room close to front door with low large bed and comfortable chair allowing room for a carer etc. Sadly ndis can't be used to fund these services but you are welcome to come with a support worker if needed. 🤗 if a carer is required to be in the room please talk to the beautiful girls on reception 😘 😊😘 annabelle xoxo
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🤭Nuro spicy 😎

December 11th, 2024 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
So many nuro spicy people either work in this industry or use its services. Wait what is nuro spicy? 🤔 It's another term for those known as nuro diverse, autistic, adhd and so on. 😲🥰 For clients who are nuro spicy, they rely on our services for many reasons. It may be that due to isolation. clients come in knowing they are safe and welcome and have the time they need to have their needs met. due to my 'nuro spicy self' 😋, I have been isolated to the point I understand touch hunger and what isolation does to your mind, I also know how hard it is to pull yourself out of that and seek positive human connections, and trust that you find someone who makes you feel seen and heard. As for those many nuro spicy escorts... They are too free spirited to fit into normal society, or any kind of 📦. They dream big and care deep and have no sense of time 🤣 Xoxo AnnaBelle.
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Why just have vanilla...

December 11th, 2024 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
Imagine walking into your dream ice cream shop (even if it's dairy free like me 😉) You could get a delicious bowl of vanilla ice cream and enjoy it. But you notice around the room there are not only many flavours but so many toppings to make your ice cream explode with flavour.🤯🥳 *fyi I am not knocking vanilla! It's an incredible flavour. 😚 Intimacy/sex/human connection is just this. There are so many ways to add some flavor to vanilla (wink wink 😉) everyone had different tastes. What's yours? Personally I've tried everything in the shop and now I want to enjoy it through fresh eyes and see how you like to treat yourself 🤭😘😉 Xoxo Annabelle
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Escorts and strippers = USA vs Canada

December 4th, 2024 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
We all hear the jokes where the USA are the loud and proud people who love guns, and Canada is the nice, quiet introverted nation. Escorts and strippers almost never mix, it's two completely different worlds with two very different people. Strippers are extroverted, lots of energy and great with a room full of people. Where as escorts for the most part are quiet and introverted and prefers one on one interaction. Both are part of the same industry but just different breeds of people (mostly ) Xoxo 😘 annabelle 🤗
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🤫*spoiler alert*🤭

December 4th, 2024 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
Do you really want to know our secret? Do you really want to know what it's like working in a 'massage parlour'? Hear all our hot little secrets? Spoiler alert ⚠️ We all live in the room you visit. At night we are locked in. the girls we only show to V.I.P clients are let out of the basement. We sleep naked and in the morning we warm up by meeting in one room where we..... We have loads and loads of money which of course is controlled by our boss... 🤣😂😉😉😋😋 JOKING! Seriously though, the truth is pretty boring, are you sure you want to know? I did warn you. See that girl in sweats stepping out of an uber with bags and in a hurry?🤯🥳😵‍💫 See the girl video calling her kids to tell them to eat their dinner?😪 See the girl worrying about housing, and over due bills because they fell on hard times?🤑 NOW..🤗 Do you see the girl with a radiant smile who is fun and is confident opening the door to say hello to you. Both are real 😉😊 Xoxo AnnaBelle 😘 🤗
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🥰Hey, lovely to meet you, I'm AnnaBelle 😘 😊

December 1st, 2024 by 🤗Annabelle❤️‍🔥
Hey, I'm AnnaBelle, thank you for reading my add! 🥰 😊 I'm a country girl through and through 🐴🐓🌱 I am loving life and enjoying the journey. I have many different sides to the person i am, all are real and me 😇 I love to have an intellectual conversion and learn about you and what you need.🤗 I also have my bubbly and happy side and love cuddles🥰😘 I also love when neurodiverse/disability clients with special needs come and see me. knowing I can connect with them on a deeper level ^_^ (shh, 🤫 I'm neurodiverse myself 🤭) Then there's the adventurous side ...😉🤭🤫 I get my joy by making the time all about you! (Yes honestly!) Please email me to ask any questions at I can't wait to meet you and find out all about you! Xoxo AnnaBelle 😘
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