Sex For The First Time- An Expert Guide for Women
Before we even get into the explainer, we would love to drop a disclaimer; when it comes to sex, what works for you might not work for someone else. We have different comfortlevels, experiences and circumstances. Therefore, as long as you feel like what you’re doing is okay for you, trust us, that is all that matters. Anyways, it's completely okay to feel nervous if it's your first time trying to romp. If you want to lose your virginity, we’ve prepared the following expert guide packed with information to help you relax and find your way out of this.
1. Location matters
The first and most crucial step is picking a suitable location for sex. Ideally, the location should be peaceful and allows you and your partner to get intimate with zero distractions. If you have roommates or live with family, finding a time when they are not home should do. Discuss this with your partner and agree on an intimate location.
2. Clear your mind of what you hear about “the first time.”
Movies and social media are several sources of what could be misleading information about the first time having sex. We highly encourage you to keep all you’ve heard away from your mind since people’s expectations are different, and besides, most of the things you hear are unrealistic. Manawatu-Wanganui adult service providers suggest approaching first-time sex with a clear, open mind and without expectations besides fun.
3. Find out what kind of sex you want to have
Essentially, there are different kinds of sex, from oral, penis-vagina and anal. Sit down and discuss with your partner what you want to explore. Remember that you don’t have to say yes to everything suggested. There are many ways to have sex, and there is no goal to achieve here. The key is having safe and fun sex.
4. Give sober consent
Regarding consent, there is a solid need to be entirely enthusiastic about sex. We discourage the thought of saying yes just because you feel the need to satisfy your partner. Make sure you two agree entirely with one mind to indulge in this. That way, sex becomes hotter and more intimate, knowing that you two badly want it.
5. Lubrication is key
In cases where you choose penetrative sex, your body might find it difficult to adjust and achieve the desired penetration. We, therefore, suggest having a lube around to ease things up.
6. Focus on the foreplay
We suggest taking your time kissing and exploring each other to allow you to get turned on and naturally lubricated. Focusing on foreplay, including some dry humping, makes sex feel way better.
The bottom line
The result of all this should be a happy and satisfied soul. Remember that being your first time, you may not be able to get an orgasm, and that doesn’t mean you give up. Give yourself some time to adjust, and most importantly, embrace protection.
Have you had sex yet? What do you think should be done during the first time? Please share your thoughts with us in our comment section.
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