Top 3 Benefits of silent treatment
Silent treatment is a controversial topic, no lie, which has sparked a conversation on whether it really works in relationships. Quite often, silence is confused with silent treatment. In simple terms, silent treatment can be defined as a way of inflicting pain or a lesson to a partner without physical bruising. It’s a way or a behavior that people take to avoid communication with their partner. Generally, silence is golden, and whoever chooses to speak in some situations is considered wise. So, the question is whether silent treatment in relationships is justified. Interestingly, there are some positive sides of silent treatment. Here are some of their surprising benefits.
1. Helps ease tension
In relationships, heated arguments and fights are inevitable. It gets even worse when it comes to marriages. In some moments, there is intense anger and aggression, which can be trouble if taken literally. In such situations, the silence of one partner can help to ease the tension. The best way of handling this is having one partner walk away and close the door to another room until they feel ready to talk to the other partner.
2. It helps you understand your partner better.
First of all, it’s important to note that with silent treatment, we don’t mean building high walls around yourself, such that your partner can’t climb. Wellington escorts say that misusing silent treatment is detrimental to relationships. However, if your partner becomes silent after you flirt with someone in the grocery store, it will become easier for you to notice that they don’t like such behaviour. That way, you’ll figure out how to behave in a better when they’re around.
3. It helps you understand yourself better
Sometimes, the silent treatment can work to your advantage. When your partner upsets you, and you go silent on them, it allows you to process your feelings and figure out whether you’re really mad or just overreacting. Self dialogue in such a situation will help you dig deeper into your likes and dislikes, strengthening your relationship.
4. It helps you shut out negative thoughts and emotions about your partner.
In most cases, when we have negative emotions about people, we tend to shout at them. However, with silent treatment, you will be able to let them slide and allow you to focus only on the positives.
5. Silence shows you’re intelligent
In arguments, when you keep your calm and keep your mouth shut for a period of time, it shows that you’re an intelligent person that can handle situations like a grown-up.
The bottom line
It’s important to note that silence is detrimental, and if misused, it can destroy your relationship. On that note, take silent treatment as a way of resolving issues rather than an ego fight.
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