Natural ways of avoiding premature ejaculation in men.
Premature ejaculation is a common problem in men and a root cause of sexual frustrations in many relationships. It can be defined as when a man ejaculates before actual sexual intercourse or faster than he would wish. In as much as there is no set time when a man should ejaculate, cases where the orgasm happens before intercourse should be enough reason to raise a concern. It is frustrating and embarrassing, and sadly, it occurs in close to 30% of men. PE can be caused by many reasons, including anxiety, hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation of the prostate. Like most sexual disorders, there are several treatment methods available for PE. Here are some natural ways of avoiding premature ejaculation in men.
1. Eating zinc-rich foods.
Zinc deficiency is the lead cause of premature ejaculation. Zinc is a perfect mineral that boosts immunity and, at the same time, improves cell growth. Zinc also boosts the production of testosterone, which in turn increases sexual capacity. Magnesium can also help fight premature ejaculation.
2. Honey and ginger.
These natural food substances have been proven to improve blood flow to the penis, enhancing your ability to control ejaculations. They also heat up the body, which helps to maintain a firm erection. Mixing a spoon of natural honey and some ginger will work the magic.
3. Exercise
Exercise, more so on the pelvic floor, helps in improving your time on the clock. Such exercises help men affected by persistent premature ejaculation control their ejaculatory reflexes, which helps them increase the time they take to ejaculate. While at it, target the muscles that stop peeing and those that stop passing gas. Tighten these muscles as best as you can until you feel a pressure sensation near them. Release and rest for a few seconds, and repeat the tightening about 10 times. Repeating this thrice a day will bear fantastic results.
4. Masturbation
If you know you’re about to have some sexual activity, try masturbating about an hour or two before. The sexual release in masturbation reduces your urge to ejaculate during sexual activity, especially if it involves penetration.
5. Avoid penetration.
Although this point is a bit counterintuitive, sexual penetration is not the only way of enjoying sexual activity. According to Queenstown escorts, penetration increases your urge to ejaculate, which means focusing on other things during intimate moments can help. Focus on longer foreplays and oral sex. Communicate with your partner to find other ways of attaining sexual satisfaction without causing distress on either of you.
The bottom line.
Pause squeeze technique, stop-start technique, numbing creams and condoms, and sprays are more ways of fighting PE. Any of these remedies and natural treatments should help. However, if none works, you should consider visiting a qualified doctor to explore more treatment options.
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