My first escort experience
The idea of me using escort services hadn't crossed my mind until early last year, during my holidays. As a college student, I've always had options for women, but when we break for the holidays, the options tend to go on holiday too.
It was one quiet evening where time was moving so slowly, and I had no idea what to do with my life. I was already missing school life. I was lying on my couch in my tiny room in the basement of our old house, scrolling on a famous Facebook group when I came across a post "what it feels like to be with an escort."
The young lad in me developed a great interest and went through the post. By the time I was done, I had made up my mind that I wanted to try that too. I had very little information or ideas on what to do to get an escort, so I did the obvious.
I took my phone and rushed to my browser and googled "professional escorts in Christchurch." Within no time, I came across several agencies with enticing profiles of sexy escorts. I booked a girl called Anne, whose name I'll never forget. I made preparations and bought some champagne, and within an hour, she was at my place.
I was impressed by the efficiency of the whole booking process through to getting "the package." When she came, she greeted me professionally. I don't know about you, but that really turns me on. I welcomed her to my small crib and offered her a drink. Surprisingly, she politely insisted on not drinking. I was surprised, but I came to learn later that escorts are real professionals, and their code of conduct doesn't allow intoxication.
The escort was a great conversationalist, who turned the conversation slowly from professional to nasty. Before I knew it, I was undressing, and she was down there doing what they do best. She slowly gave me a deep erotic massage while asking me how I like getting touched.
I got so turned on, and I’ll forever remember how she took her time. She touched every bit of me, licked every part of my bits. Her soft hands sent immense chills down my spine. Contact with her hot petite body was something ill forever relish. Long story short, the orgasm that came was shattering, mind-blowing, and moving. I can't remember if she got to that point, but as for me, it was the best experience ever.
When our date was done, I didn't have to be told to pay. My friends say I'm sort of stingy, but there some something about her hands that made me drop her a huge tip. She thanked me and walked out slowly and majestically while I was left lying in bed, digesting what had just happened.
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