It's That Time Again
Share....gahhh I could think of at least a half dozen other ways to be spending my down time but its one of those things that if I don't do it, you will most definitely notice that it needs to be done.
So tell me why it is that when I do it (and I definitely do it well...) that you never notice? Because its for your better enjoyment, that's why. There's a simple method to madness that applies here. The closest I came to anyone noticing was a "I'm loving your new towels Nat, love the colour choice. So much better than the standard white, black or blue ones)" followed by a " I'm pretty sure this girl I saw once used the ones her Mum had for the dog so I bailed" from someone else, but neither noticed the time and effort spent in ironing all the sets of bed linen and bed covers, bathrobes, towels & wash cloths. Yes, if I'm short for time or had another argument with the clothes dryer (I'm getting better at accepting I lose arguments with inanimate objects) then yes I will iron them once the bed is made but geez guys.. lets not get pushy about why I can answer the phone yet not be 'available right now'. I am making my little office a perfect haven to release your stress and get all of your angst out of balls without the frills amd flowers.
Keeping an on-trend off-load zone requires a little background work mixed with a lot of effort so for now if anyone wants me, I'll bemaking friends with the washing machine
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