Why or why do some guys take great pleasure in pranking and wanking? I know I bang on about this a bit but I’ll never work out the motivation behind ruining someone’s day - Just for fun it seems. If clients knew how disrespectful and stupid they appear….but I’m sure that’s just it…they have no insight into their own behaviour. I have a law degree, I have children, I have an ABN, I pay taxes. I’m not sure why “clients” think it’s ok to totally disregard someone because of the work they do. My other pet hate is the constant penis pictures. Why do you think any girl would want that? Do you think it actually matters? Hmm…..
Comment from Melanie
Amen girl 🙏🏻❤️
Reply from Gabrielle Le Rouge
I’m still here hun! Rocking it! Send me another text cause I lost my phone in a Melbourne Taxi last week!