Top Sex Topics to Discuss with Your Partner
Communicating with a partner about sex and intimacy can be very challenging. However, we like to spit it out plainly that having such discussions is crucial for a healthy, safe, fun and satisfying relationship. Such conversations not only improve physical and sexual relations but also enhance intimacy. To start it off, here are some of the most common yet very important sex topics that you should discuss with your partner.
Sexual Fantasies, Limits and Boundaries.
One of the most common causes of sexual frustrations in relationships is the lack of understanding of each other’s desires and boundaries. When one partner doesn’t catch the other’s rhythm, the sex will be chaotic. Start by understanding each other's likes, dislikes and sexual desires. Remember that you might have different likes and dislikes, which is totally okay. Encourage each other towards a judgment-free dialogue.
Also, be clear on the extent and boundaries that will mark each other’s limits of pleasure and comfort. That way, sexual communication and relation is bound to improve. Remember that this isn’t a one-time conversation. Have more talks as the relationship progresses.
Sex Drive and Libido
Sexual drive varies from person to person and also goes with seasons. Sometimes you’ll be in for some sex, and sometimes you won’t. While this is very normal, some people would find it difficult to understand their partners, especially when they want some sex, and the partner isn’t willing.
Discuss libido changes and what causes them, and also acknowledge your partner's changes.
Understanding each other along this line will help avoid miscommunications and dissatisfactions. Remember, kindness and patience are key.
Sexual Performance, Expectations and Satisfaction.
Another cause of sexual frustration is expectations. Escorts in Perth discourage you from approaching sex with expectations and treating it like a task since when you don’t get what you expected, you end up getting frustrated. However, your satisfaction matters, and expressing your feelings about what you want from your sexual escapades is very okay. Are there things you’d like more or less? Is there something you’d like to try? Open feedback will lead to better sex between you two.
We recommend discussing issues to do with performance and if there’s anything that might hinder you from performing in bed. For example, if you have any issues affecting performance, such as Erectile Dysfunction, it is very important that you discuss them openly.
Safety During Sex; Sexual Practices and Sexual Health.
Keeping safe and healthy while having fun is a must. Be sure to discuss any changes in your body, contraceptives, STIs, hygiene or any other sexual safety questions that you might have. Remember, sex carries a lot more than just the physical aspect.
The Bottom Line
These discussions are just a few mentions among many. They will be awkward at first, but we highly recommend you find the courage to have them. If you’re feeling stuck or uncertain, it won't hurt to consult a sex therapist.
How often do you openly talk with your partner? What do you think we should include in this list? Our comment section is open!
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