Ask Edie Lau some questions...
Tell us about yourself!
Recently, I have been described as quirky, which is lovely actually and I like that.
I am a bespectacled, curious and kind of awkward person who likes feeling good and making others feel good.
I am realistic, cautious, practical, patient and always looking forward to a meal, a cuddle or a funny story. I am fiercely loyal to my friends. I am earnest but I also don’t take myself too seriously.
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How do you pronounce your name?
EE-DEE - sometimes people call me Eddie and I think that's cute!
Share a cool story!
Quick one: I was eating at Manoush one day and a man couldn't stop bothering me and my friend about the time he met Michael Jackson.
This isn't a very cool story; I was disturbed and wanted to keep eating my pizza. It's all I could think of.
What is your favourite destination?
The supermarket!
Whenever I go overseas, I try to buy just enough items (without wasting) to make a small meal. It's really grounding for me
Three favourite movies:
This is so hard. Note that I'll change this every week or month truthfully.
1) Parasite
2) Hereditary
3) Closer
If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
Etta Ng. I went down a deep dive about her and I’ll never get back out.
What are some of your interests/hobbies?
I am interested in human behaviour, power dynamics, sustainability, social systems and radical kindness. I love to cook, eat and explore.
Where can we learn more about you?
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