Tips To Overcome Performance Anxiety
Ideally, sex should be a way of stress relief rather than a source of it. To most men, and some women, performance anxiety is a big problem, and the thought of having sex causes them nothing but worry. The most significant cause of this anxiety is viewing sex as a performance; as something that’s being scrutinised by an audience. Here are a few expert tips to overcome performance anxiety.
Mindful Focus
A big issue with many people, especially men, is thinking of sex as a quest to please their partner. Instead, we advise spending more time enjoying the moment and feeling every sensation. Throw yourselves utterly into the act, and save evaluation for later. Focus on touch, smell, sight, sound and taste when having sex. Although this might take a lot of practice, we promise it will be helpful.
Open Up
Partners are supposed to be our safe places. First, if your partner isn’t someone you can open up to, you bet it's time to consider female Escorts in Brisbane(they are perfect listeners). We recommend talking to them about your anxiety. Tell them how you feel about sex and what you think might be an issue. From there, try finding a resolution together. This journey is better when walked by two.
Meditating heightens your self-awareness and focused attention. Meditating allows you to reconnect with your inner self, making it easier to feel all the sensations that come your way. That way, you get to enjoy sex rather than worry about it. Read more on meditation here.
Although this raises some contention, masturbating can help you overcome performance anxiety. One reason for anxiety is worrying whether a partner will satisfy you. You can handle this by letting them know what pleases you. Masturbating helps you spend more time with yourself, and thus you get to understand your own needs. However, we recommend extra caution with masturbation as overdoing it can lead to an addiction.
Accept That Sex Isn’t Perfect
Try to clear your head from concerns that something didn’t work out. When you sit and accept that you don’t always have to perform 100%, things will improve. Stop seeking perfection and drop those unrealistic expectations you have about sex.
Try A Therapist
Seeking therapy should be the last option (we don’t want you to waste your money). Book an appointment with a sex therapist with experience treating such sexual problems. A therapist will help you identify the cause of your performance anxiety and give suggestions to deal with it.
The Bottom Line
Stop beating yourself up about your bed capabilities. Overcoming male anxiety is possible. With the few tips above, the problem will be long gone. If you still have issues, consider seeing a doctor for medical attention.
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