Naughtyads supports decriminalisation of sex work in Queensland
Naughtyads fully supports the work done by #DecrimQld and RespectInc in their mission to decriminalise sex work in Queensland. We also stand behind Scarlet Alliance in their mission towards full decriminalisation of sex work in Australia.
Decriminalisation entails the repeal of harmful, outdated, ill-informed and discriminatory sex work laws.
Currently, the Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC) is conducting a review on the decriminalization of sex work in the Queensland. On August 27, 2021, Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman requested the QLRC to review and draft legislation to decriminalize the sex work industry in Queensland.
Click on any of links below to learn more about:
- the mission to decriminalise sex work in Queensland
- the QLRC's into decriminalisation of sex work in Qld
- Scarlet Alliance's briefing paper on the full decriminalisation of sex work in Australia
Click any of the links below to help support the work of RespectInc and #DecrimQld by
Comment from Naughty Ads
In good news - South Africa to decriminalise sex work in hopes to diminish crime -