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Category | Adult Content Creators |
Sex workers deserve to be safe and healthy. I strongly believe that the decriminalisation of sex work is the first step towards securing the health, safety and human rights of sex workers, not the last step.
Who is Bigger Sister?
Bigger Sister is not a she or a single individual. Bigger Sister is a community project that represents the strengths of the sex working community: self-determination, resilience, agency, peer-education, solidarity and collective impact.
What does Bigger Sister actually do?
Bigger Sister Channel provides sex workers with the tools, education, skills and resources they need for safe, healthy and sustainable work. The first way we deliver this is video and we will expand to a number of platforms, formats and methods. The information and material Bigger Sister offers is of high quality, accessible, available, easy and actionable.
Bigger Sister Channel’s first approach is to economically empower sex workers. Bigger Sister will help you build systems to sustain financial health and prevent you from falling into financial insecurity.
Bigger Sister Channel will do this by:
Improving our financial literacy and documenting this journey;
Applying the financial skills needed to sustain financial wellbeing;
Finding and reviewing sex worker friendly tools, products and services;
Interviewing financial experts and business professionals.
But how will Bigger Sister make sex work safer?
Financial security impacts how a sex worker experiences safety.
When income is sporadic and unreliable you can’t always afford to be safe. With the rising cost of living, money is disappearing faster and workers are anxiously waiting longer for their next pay. You need skills to make every dollar last because you do not know when your next job is.
Sex workers can have high paychecks but you need financial literacy to distribute that income in a way that affords you security.
Stigma and discrimination renders seeking financial or business support dangerous. Bigger Sister Channel works through this stigma and discrimination and identifies safe routes to financial security.
No single thing can make sex work safer but securing financial health is an important step.
How will Bigger Sister start?
You can use the abovementioned graphic to post on your social media with the suggested text: ‘If you are a worker who is looking for tools, skills and resources for financial security, follow the @biggersisterchannel.’ Please note out handle is @bigsischannel on Twitter.
This is a community project, not mine alone. Bigger Sister Channel needs sex workers to be involved in every step of the process. For me to deliver the highest quality educational material I need people like you to be involved with the Bigger Sister Channel.
My first goal is to build a large audience on the Bigger Sister Channel social media platforms to ensure I release educational material to the most vulnerable sex workers. You can help me achieve this first goal by posting the suggested graphic and text to your social media platforms. ‘
The next thing you can do is follow the Bigger Sister Channel social media accounts and engage with the second post where I ask you the question: what is one question you would like to ask a financial expert? I can relay this question to the experts and together we can begin this journey towards financial security.
I am also looking for support around:
Writing scripts and any other video production skills you may have;
Producing and editing a podcast;
Copywriting newsletters and blogs;
Designing daily graphics and videos for the social media accounts;
Managing the social media accounts which include this Substack blog, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook;
Copyediting content;
Branding, logo, style, heading design;
Research, there’s about 40 topics I want to cover;
Small team management or providing regular feedback;
Recommendations for sex worker friendly tools and services such as superfunds, banks, financial planners;
Design and developing website;
Any referrals to financial experts or professional networks you can introduce me to;
I’m also looking for sex workers to volunteer their personal financial stories.
I’m really excited to release this educational content soon and if you can help, please do get in touch,
Love from today’s Bigger Sister,
Estelle Lucas (they/them).
@bigsischannel | |
@Biggersisterchannel | |
Website | biggersisterchannel.com.au/ |
The ‘Mixed’ one
Your financial attitude is an aspect that determines your financial wellbeing. For the economic empowerment educational program for sex workers, we will be looking at financial attitudes first. You can see what type of financial attitude you have by taking our personality test here.
To illustrate how financial attitudes manifest into one’s life, we created one dimensional renditions that embody a financial attitude. Chaotic Katie is the character for a ‘Mixed’ or ‘Undetermined’ financial attitude.
These characters are simplified renditions of our complex realities. They’re not perfect characters or to be taken too literally. They are used here to help us build the cognitive infrastructure and awareness about what financial attitudes are, how they appear in our lives and how they change over time.
Your financial attitude can be consciously changed through self-awareness, education and experience. To read more about how we’ve framed financial attitudes, you can read this post.
If Chaotic Katie doesn’t sound exactly like you, that’s normal. Our financial attitudes change over time, and we keep traits of previous financial attitudes, that continue to influence our thoughts and feelings subconsciously. Consciously, we want to draw upon the inherent strengths and talents of Chaotic Katie, to be more deliberate with our management of money.
The idea is to centre ourselves, and our attitude to be ‘Master-Minded’ like ‘Queen Bae’. What makes Queen Bae the master is that she is able to identify situations, knows herself, and she take actions that aligns with her goals and are within her means. Chaotic Katie is the inverse of Queen Bae, she has almost the same skills, strengths and capabilities, the major difference is that she does not apply herself like Queen Bae.
Chaotic Katie’s may not have found a reason to care about, or take responsibility for, their personal finance. As Katie’s are reactionary, they usually only learn things when they have to. The good thing about Katie is that they assimilate to any financial situation, just like Queen Bae, but the difference is that Katie does not plan for these. This can mean that Katie’s are often stressed or overconfident in their ability to land on their feet. If you’re a Chaotic Katie looking for a reason to get on top of your finances, this is it.
We will soon investigate ways for Chaotic Katie’s to improve their financial attitude. If you identify as a Chaotic Katie, think about where your feelings and thoughts around money stem from, and ask yourself whether this approach is applicable or fitting for your present day life.
Until then, stay subscribed for further material on how to economically empower yourself as a sex worker. Follow us on social media to stay updated!